The Benedictine Tradition in Rome
To get a distant idea of what catastrophic difference exists between how the divine office is sung and how it should be sung...
The Cathedral of the Pope
The influence of the Lateran schola cantorum on the development of medieval music and poetry is demonstrated by the fact that many collections of hymns and songs originated from it.
Good News? Synodal Final Document Proposes “Pentarchy 2.0”
The bishops and the entire people of God, according to this document, oppose this homogenising, with the Pope's direct approval.
Romanitas and the Contemplative Life: from Aristotle, through Epicureanism, to St. Benedict
Cicero engages in deep philosophical dialogue on fundamental questions, such as fear of death and how to bear up under suffering with fortitude.
The Bishop of Rome on the Roman Language
He sought not only to revive the study of Latin but also to underscore its enduring relevance within the Church.
Cicero’s Summum Bonum and the Greatest Commandment
Romans like Cicero recognized the structure of human motivation.
“Civis Romanus Sum”
The Church’s Romanitas is integral, centred on the city of Rome, but not limited to the Latin Church.
Meanwhile, the Rhine Floods the Tiber
Before excommunicating Viganò, the Vatican holds hands for a photo op with the German bishops.
A Dialogue on Liturgy in Latin: Obscurantism or Opportunity?
People were more than capable of praying the Mass without having to follow along word-for-word.