Meanwhile, the Rhine Floods the Tiber

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Above: before excommunicating Viganò, the Vatican holds hands for a photo op with the German bishops.

As many readers are well aware, the event of Vatican II was accurately described by Fr. Ralph Wiltgen as the “Rhine flowing into the Tiber.” Indeed, one Vatican insider told me this:

I attended the Gregorian University in the 1970’s. Latin was openly ridiculed; German was strongly promoted. Why? Simple. The world’s major Protestant theologians didn’t think or write in Latin, they thought and wrote in German.

So since Vatican II, we’ve had a curious influence of Germany on the Vatican. Joseph Ratzinger as Cardinal and later as Pope was himself a German fighting against virtually the whole episcopate of Germany and their Neo-Modernism. The German Iconoclasts have acted like a flood drowning the Vatican and the world in Neo-Modernist filth. Under St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, there was a small dam against this flood – it was small, but it was a dam.

The St. Gallen Mafia, meanwhile, was doing everything they could to make cracks and holes in that dam, so that the Rhine could flood the Tiber and dilute every last vestige of Romanitas from the Roman Catholic Church – especially the ancient Roman Rite.

And when they got Bergoglio elected Pope, they succeeded.

Pope Francis has destroyed the (small) dam to let the Rhine overwhelm the Tiber and wash away everything orthodox left in Rome. 

What was one of the first things Francis did as pope? He let the German Cardinal Kasper punch a massive hole in the German Joseph Ratzinger’s dam. The flood waters of the Rhine have been rising in Rome ever since. Now Vatican documents are no longer issued in the Roman tongue by the Roman Catholic Church (as they were in the prior pontificates) and the ancient Roman rite is abolished.

This whole process seems to be curiously at work with the confluence of the German #SchismaticWay and the Roman #SchismaticWay. For the past few years the two synodalities have been operating concurrently, with the German bishops promoting all manner of Iconoclastic Neo-Modernist filth while Rome looks on and gives them a slap on the wrist here and there (while viciously targeting the Trads, of course, for liquidation).

We saw way back in July of 2022 that the Holy See seemed to rebuke the German SchismaticWay, and the German responded “with irritation.” But when the Synod on Synodality finally happened in Rome last fall (at least, the first movie, before the sequel), it was the same old Rhine flow with its sewage water of heresy.

So ahead of the exciting conclusion when the rigged Synod gets to proclaim the “will of the Holy Spirit” this fall, we get this curious statement, showing the Rhine river flowing as one with the Tiber.

Issued in German and Italian (but definitely not the Roman language), the statement was accompanied by a happy photo shoot with Cardinal Fernández (pictured above), the new head of the Office Formerly Known as Holy. Here is Diane Montagna’s working translation from the Italian:

The one-day dialogue was once again characterized by a positive, open and constructive atmosphere. The basis was the agreement of 22 March 2024, which provides for the elaboration of concrete forms of exercising Synodality in the Church in Germany, in accordance with the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council, the provisions of Canon Law and the fruits of the Synod of the universal Church to be presented to the Holy See for approval (recognitio).

In the exchange, the bishops provided information about the last meeting of the synod Committee a temporary working body-during which the theological foundations and the possibility of the legal realization of a national synod body were discussed. Today’s meeting focused on the relationship between the exercise of the episcopal ministry and the promotion of the co-responsibility of all the faithful, and particularly on aspects of canon law for the establishment of a concrete form of synodality in the Church in Germany. There is a shared desire and commitment to strengthen synodality in the life of the Church, with a view to more effective evangelization.

A Commission set up by the Synod Committee will deal with questions of synodality and the structure of a synod body. It will work in close contact with a similar Commission consisting of Representatives of the competent Dicasteries to draw up a draft. Two important aspects emerged for the Representatives of the Roman Curia: they would like to see a change in the name and several aspects of the previously formulated proposal for a possible national synod body.

Regarding the location of this body, there was agreement that it is neither above, nor at the same level with, the Bishops’ Conference.

The question of the future composition of the delegation of the German Bishops’ Conference participating in the dialogue between the representatives of the Roman Curia and those of the Bishops’ Conference was also discussed.

The talks will resume after the conclusion of the Synod of the Universal Church and [in these talks] other anthropological, ecclesiological and liturgical topics will be discussed (emphasis in the original German).

OK, so what exactly does that mean? First, it says nothing to the main concerns of the faithful, articulated  by the German Catholic women of Maria 1.0, who are fighting with the strength of Mary, Destroyer of Heresies, against the effeminate German Bishops promoting Feminism. If this is indeed a “rebuke” from the Vatican, as some are saying, it’s yet another slap on the wrist to wolves in shepherd’s clothing.

Sorry, sheep, we have to be gentle with the wolves who are devouring your children’s faith – we need time to dialogue with them while they eat you.

Since this statement does nothing to defend the little ones against the wolves, it thus establishes and strengthens the confluence of the Rhine with the Tiber, ahead of the Roman SchismaticWay this fall. The photo says it all: we are one. I would not be surprised if the enemies of Christ use the Roman and German SchismaticWays in tandem: in the fall, we’ll have another “almost heretical close call” meeting where there will be a lot of scary talk that Rome will approve heresy. Meanwhile, the German SchismaticWay will actually promote heresy while Rome slaps them on the wrist and acts like they didn’t see that coming. The German bishops will be the fearless promoters of Neo-Modernism, while Rome lets the dam burst worldwide, and souls are lost to the devil.

That’s been the way of things, in any case, since Vatican II.

Thank God for the good Germans, like the aforementioned Joseph Ratzinger and Cardinal Müller (who has resisted Francis to his face, spoke at the CIC last year and celebrated the ancient Roman Rite for the Chartres pilgrims!). But the best Germans who can save us from the German synodal way are Denzinger and Ott.

T. S. Flanders
Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More

Photo credit.

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