Archive for

Moral Teaching

Pope’s Anti-TLM Theologian Shows His Pro-Contraception Cards

Pope Francis is fond of saying “everything is connected.” Traditionalists have been saying the same thing for the past six decades. We have long emphasized that those who transformed the Catholic liturgy on paper and in practice were also entertaining doctrinal novelties, oddities, and, at times, even heresies. Conversely, a radically changed liturgy has led…

Fr Bryan Houghton’s Crisis of Faith and the Joy of “Humanae Vitae”

In early August of 1968, a stylish and brilliant convert from Anglicanism, and at this time a pastor of a flourishing parish in Suffolk, was driving his “fast and comfortable Jaguar” from Bury St Edmunds to London. He took a friend, Edgar Hardwick, parish priest of Coldham, with him. When he pulled up to his…

True Obedience: A Key Consideration for Our Time

Editor’s Note: In connection with our ongoing exploration of traditional principles of ecclesiology and as a “pre-emptive strike” (so to speak) in view of further anti-traditional moves expected from the Vatican, we offer this exclusive excerpt from a forthcoming book by our contributing editor Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, True Obedience in the Church: A Guide to…

Pro-Life Catholic Philosopher Josef Seifert Speaks Out On Coronavirus Vaccine

Editor’s Note: Dr. Joseph Seifert is one of the preeminent Catholic philosophers in the world, and a member of the original Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL), where he was appointed to a lifetime position by his friend, the late Pope John Paul II. After becoming one of the leading voices showing the destructive moral implications…

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