Archive for

Filial Correction

On the Moral Liceity of Publicly Correcting the Pope

There is a good bit of confusion currently among faithful Catholics about whether it was morally licit for the pastors and theologians to make public their filial correction of the Holy Father regarding portions of Amoris Laetitia and his actions that, in their estimation, propagate heresy; or the liceity of Prof. Seifert’s public expression of…

Amoris Laetitia and Lumen Gentium: ‘Partial’ Marriage, ‘Partial’ Church

Editor’s note: The following originally appeared at Whispers of Restoration. It is reprinted and adapted here with the author’s permission.  Faithful Catholics have something to be edified and encouraged by in the “Filial Correction” of Pope Francis just made public, originating from 62 clerics and lay signatories, with more cosignatories each day. The 25-page document…

Professor Pierantoni: Cardinal Burke Appears Pleased with Filial Correction

Today, LifeSiteNews published an interview with Professor Claudio Pierantoni, one of the signatories of the recent “Filial Correction” of Pope Francis with regard to Amoris Laetitia. Professor Pierantoni is an Italian scholar who now lives and teaches in Chile. He has just recently published a lucid and excellent defense of Professor Josef Seifert – whose…

Forged Filial Correction Signature Raises Questions of Fraud, Attempt to Discredit Effort

Image: Screengrab of the Facebook page of CNA Executive Director Alejandro Bermudez In a brief statement today, Alejandro Bermudez, executive director of the Catholic News Agency and ACI Prensa, indicated that his signature was added to the Filial Correction without his knowledge or consent. “I was surprised to see that my name has been added…

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