Cardinal Sarah Makes Strong Statement on Gender Theory


The Italian journalist Marco Tosatti just published on 4 April an article on his blog in which he reports on Cardinal Robert Sarah’s strong words about gender theory. At a recent presentation of his own book, God or Nothing, Cardinal Sarah said as follows:

“The gender theory, the marriage between persons of the same sex, and the negation of the differences between man and woman are all deviations, and I do not understand how the European culture – so steeped in Christianity – could get to such a point.” Sarah continued, saying that, in France, “they corrected me, they said I cannot use the word ‘deviation’, but I would not know which other word to use. I also cannot deny that God created man and woman.”

Sarah said pointedly:

“Even fools recognize that, between a man and a woman, there is a difference and a complementarity. Man is nothing without a woman and vice versa.” The Cardinal also called upon all Christians to resist this false theory:  “This is not my own position, this is the position of the Church, and all Christians, all families, are called to fight against this deviation.”

Cardinal Robert Sarah, the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has repeatedly defended the traditional moral teaching of the Church, for example when he signed the 13 Cardinals Letter to Pope Francis during the 2015 Synod on the Family.

In his own 4 April article, Marco Tosatti says that it will be interesting to see how Pope Francis will speak about the question of homosexuality in his lengthy upcoming Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia.

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