Calling All Catholics!

As we hear from all of you time and again, the work we do here is more important than ever. Where else can you find the stories we cover and the analysis we provide? Where else do you see news of the crisis interspersed with essays of why we fight and what is beautiful about our faith, in order that we might work together to restore it?

I think it is fair to say that there is no other Catholic apostolate like OnePeterFive. With your help and by God’s grace, we have become the loudest voice advancing the cause of Catholic tradition online. We reach hundreds of thousands of readers every month. And every month, we do our best to speak to the heart of the issues that matter most to Catholics around the world.

And now we are reaching out to you again to ask you to join us in our mission.

As of this writing, we have raised only $3,600 of a $20,000 goal for the month of June. As of yet, we have not hit our fundraising goal even once this year. We understand that times are difficult, and people have limited means. I support a family of ten people on the work I do here, so I understand. We’ve had good times and bad since we started 1P5, but we do our best to be faithful to God and put the rest in His hands.

We understand that other Catholic publications are currently engaged in major fundraising campaigns. We know that they’re trying to raise in the span of just a few weeks what we need to run for an entire year. And we understand that you want to support every initiative that is doing important work.

All we ask is that you prayerfully consider any tax-deductible contribution, no matter how small. Most of the donations we receive are not large, but they have power in numbers. In just the past 7 days, we’ve had nearly 50,000 unique visitors. If every one of them gave only 50 cents, we’d exceed our goal. (I know you’ve heard this before, but it really is true!) We encourage you, if you’re able, to set up a monthly recurring donation, so that you only have to enter your information once. These can be cancelled at any time.

If you’d like to help — even by giving 50 cents — you can do so by clicking the button below, and you never even have to leave this page:


(And of course, for those who prefer not to donate online, you can always do so by mail.)

To those of you who have already donated — and who are always there to keep us going — thank you! We absolutely cannot do this without you.

Remember that we have Masses said for the previous month’s benefactors on the 2nd of every month, according to the 1962 Missal. I’m pleased to announce that we’ve now added a second Mass each month for ALL benefactors. We can think of no better way to show our gratitude for all you do for us.

God Bless you, and thank you in advance for your generosity and prayers.

In Christ,
Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director

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