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Steve Skojec

Cardinal Marx: Catholic Church Should “Apologize to Gay Community”

Cardinal Reinhard Marx is the head of the German bishops conference and  a member of the council of nine cardinals who act as Pope Francis’ closest advisers. He is also well-known as a heterodox bishop an extreme ideological progressive. He famously announced, in February 2015, that the German Church is “not just a subsidiary of Rome,” and that “Each…

If Francis is an Antipope, We Can’t Know It Yet

Over the weekend, noteworthy Catholic blogger Ann Barnhardt published an essay in which she states that she believes “Jorge Bergoglio, ‘Francis’ to be an Antipope, never having been canonically elected, and that Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI is still the Roman Pontiff.” She goes further, asserting that The sheer quantity of evidence, and the diversity…

More Catholic Thinkers on Pope’s Disparagement of Marriage

The fallout from Pope Francis’ complete inversion of an authentic Catholic understanding of marriage last week continues. Over the weekend, notable American canonist Dr. Edward Peters took to his blog, later picked up by Catholic World Report, to discuss what this means (and doesn’t) for Catholics. Peters is known as a cautious thinker, not quick to rush to…

Pope Francis: “The Great Majority of Our Sacramental Marriages are Null”

No, that headline is not a repeat. But you’re right if you think it sounds strangely familiar. In May of 2014, Cardinal Walter Kasper reported, in an interview with Commonweal, that Pope Francis had said he believed half of all Catholic marriages were invalid [all emphases to follow added]: I’ve spoken to the pope himself about this,…

Reaching Out From the Cross: Some Catholic Reflections on Orlando

In the wake of the massacre that took place in Orlando last weekend, a torrent of opinion has issued forth from every conceivable perspective. Among these, several unusually perceptive voices have risen to the top, peeling back the layers of emotion and grief and navigating the cultural outrage to provide a Catholic — that is to say authentic — insight into what…

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