Archive for

Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

The True Education of Catholics: Absolute Truth, Personal Holiness, and Communal Charity

Education, from the Latin ex-ducere, means “to lead out”—so the logical question is, lead out from what? From ignorance, error, and sin, into knowledge, truth, and holiness. It is a reflection of the journey of Israel, led from slavery in Egypt to freedom in Canaan. True education presupposes the Christian revelation of man’s fallen plight and…

The Old Mass and the New Evangelization: Beyond the Long Winter of Rationalism

Many people have expressed an interest in hearing or reading the lecture I gave at Franciscan University of Steubenville earlier this week. The lecture wasn’t taped, but the full text is now available at Rorate Caeli. Apart from my book, this lecture is the closest I’ve come to a sort of “manifesto” of the reasons…

“Song Befits the Lover”: Understanding the Place of Gregorian Chant in the Mass

Part 1 of a 3-part Series. You may read the other parts here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In his First Epistle to Saint Timothy, Saint Paul says that he is not sure when he can come to visit Timothy, but meanwhile he is giving him instructions “so that … you may know how one ought to…

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