Archive for

Dr. Mark Nowakowski

Book Review: The Noonday Devil

There are times where an important spiritual concept is lost in the marketplace of religious ideas, subdued and modified by pop psychologists and religionists seeking simple solutions rather than lasting challenges. The concept of “acedia,” if mentioned at all, is often grouped with negative emotions, depressive states, and feelings of underachievement. Jean-Charles Nault’s (O.S.B.) The…

Chaput, Romeri and the Battle Over Music in Philadelphia

Most Catholics in our world seem to take a flippant attitude towards liturgical music. It is all-too-frequently deemed something suitable for competent amateurs, of lesser concern and of secondary importance – until, of course, it isn’t. The news this week of the unexpected and noteworthy resignation of Johh Romeri as head of Liturgical Music in…

In Pursuit of the Imago Dei: An Interview With Fr. Barron

Dr. Mark Nowakowski sat down with Fr. Robert Barron, Rector of Mundelein Seminary in Chicago and founder of Word on Fire Ministries, for this exclusive 1P5 interview. They discuss the image of Christ, masculine spirituality, true beauty, and the nascent artistic renaissance in the Church.   MN: Thank you, Father, for meeting with me today. FRB:…

Listening Like a Catholic: The Discernment of Personal Musical Taste (Part 2)

Editor’s note: This is the second in a two-part series on the topic of cultivating a more authentic taste in music. The first part is available here.  In the last article, we discussed some of the criteria by which we may evaluate the quality of a piece of music. We will now move to a music’s craft, which…

Listening Like a Catholic: The Discernment of Personal Musical Taste (Part 1)

Editor’s note: This is the first in a two-part series on the topic of cultivating a more authentic taste in music. The second part is available here. There is an old saying that “one can find Catholic music performed everywhere except in Catholic Churches.” I was reminded of this tragically accurate quip when I was recently…

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