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Maike Hickson

Cardinal Caffarra on Marriage, Family, Amoris Laetitia, & Confusion in the Church

Editor’s note: the following is an exclusive interview with Cardinal Carlo Caffara, conducted by OnePeterFive’s Dr. Maike Hickson. Cardinal Caffarra is Archbishop emeritus of Bologna and former member of the Pontifical Council for the Family. It was in a letter to Cardinal Caffarra that Sister Lucia of Fatima revealed that “the final battle between the Lord and…

Cardinal Schönborn Says Amoris Laetitia is Binding Doctrine

Austrian Catholic website reports that on 7 July, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn published an interview in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, in which he said that Amoris Laetitia is a binding doctrinal document. From now on, says Schönborn, all the previous magisterial texts concerning marriage and the family “have to be read in the light of…

Pope Francis on Benedict’s Abdication and “Ultra-Conservatives”

On 3 July, the Argentine newspaper La Nacion published an interview with Pope Francis which took place on 28 June (the same day that Pope Benedict celebrated the 65th anniversary of his own priesthood). In it, Pope Francis speaks mainly of Argentine topics. Near the end, however, he comments on two important matters which are pertinent to…

Interview: Archbishop Gänswein on Benedict, The Two Popes, and Prophecy

On 25 June, Catholic News Agency published an article about an interview with Archbishop Georg Gänswein, which was originally conducted on 27 May 2016 by the German veteran journalist and EWTN Rome correspondent, Paul Badde. The German archbishop currently serves Pope Francis as Prefect of the Papal Household, but he has also maintained his duties as the…

German Journalist Questions Francis’ Remarks on Marriage

While it was Pope Francis’ 17 May 2016 interview with the French journal La Croix that led to a strong critique of the pope as a “relativizer” by German journalist Dr. Alexander Kissler, it was Francis’ recent comments about the invalidity of a vast majority of Catholic marriages that provoked another well-known German journalist – Christian Geyer – to write his…

Cardinal Cañizares: “I Shall Continue Even If They Crucify Me”

On 16 June, it was reported that the courageous prelate from Spain, Cardinal Archbishop of Valencia, Antonio Cañizares Llovera, was being investigated by the government of the Spanish Province of Valencia for his purportedly abusive remarks about the increasingly disintegrating pressure on the traditional family exercised by applied gender theory and the so called “gay empire.” The report…

Pope Francis Praises Amoris Laetitia as Sound Doctrine

While many Catholics in the world were indignant about the remarks of Pope Francis on 16 June regarding the likely invalidity of many Catholic sacramental marriages, he made another  important statement on the same day that seems largely to have been overlooked. The Austrian Catholic website reported on these additional remarks of Pope Francis. In spite of…

Theologians Propose to Re-Write Catechism & Canon Law in Light of Amoris Laetitia

An article published on 12 June by — the Catholic news agency partly funded by the Austrian bishops — has received a great deal of attention in Europe. Two Italian websites — La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana and Il Timone — have both reported on it. So has the Austrian Catholic website The reason for all the attention is that the article at includes several important…

The Cañizares Case in Spain is a Litmus Test for Pope Francis

As has been recently reported in several media outlets, Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, the Archbishop of Valencia, Spain, is now under harsh attack from feminist, homosexual, and other progressive groups for having defended the traditional family and for accusing the promoters of gender ideology and of the “gay empire” of attacking the family. Cañizares said the following, for…

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