Archive for

Daniel Mitsui

On the Catholic Art of the Printed Book – Part III: Parisian Books of Hours

This is the third installment of a multi-part series. You may find each part here:  Part I – Part II – Part III A Book of Hours was the essential guide to devotion for a literate Catholic layman of the late Middle Ages, from the late 14th century to the early 16th. Its content was essentially liturgical, but selected with…

On the Catholic Art of the Printed Book, Part II: Block Books

This is the second installment of a multi-part series. You may find each part here:  Part I – Part II – Part III The printing press reduced the cost of book production in late medieval Europe enormously. But printed books did not altogether replace illuminated manuscripts, at least not in the years before the rise of Protestantism. To judge by…

On the Catholic Art of the Printed Book, Part I: Origins

This is the first installment of a multi-part series. You may find each part here:  Part I – Part II – Part III The Cathedral at Aachen is home to one of Christendom’s most impressive treasuries of relics, including four of particular distinction that were gifted to Charlemagne by the Patriarch of Jerusalem in 799: the dress worn by the…

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