1P5 is “Doing More Good to Help the Church than any Other Single Entity Anywhere”

When I opened the envelope, inside was a note from one of our readers: “Keep up the good work — you’re doing more good to help the Church than any other single entity anywhere.”

Can you imagine a bigger compliment?

Still another: “I love the work you do at 1P5, and the civility you do it with.”

Month after month, envelope after envelope, email after email, these notes pour in. Often, it takes weeks, if not months, to respond to everyone, though I do try. My lovely wife processes all of your incoming mail, including checks, and hands me the letters so I can reply to them. The current stack looks like this:

Your letters, your emails, your donations — these are the fuel that keep us going. And as we find ourselves again at mid-month, we are reaching out again: will you be a part of our mission to fight back against the forces of darkness that have infiltrated the Church?

Today we published an article entitled, “Official Persecution of Orthodoxy Within the Church Has Begun“. As you know, this persecution has really been with us for quite a while. But the person who made the statement is a Catholic university professor commenting on the tyrannical and unapologetic way Josef Seifert — a renowned Austrian philosopher and close friend of Pope John Paul II — was fired for simply asking a question about Amoris Laetitia.

1P5 exists to ask these questions without being so easily dismissed. 1P5 exists to take the fight straight to the enemy, leaving them with no defense but to answer, or to hide. We are not dependent upon our relationships with the bishops. We are not beholden to the interests of large donors. We answer only to our readers, who keep us funded and on the hunt for the errors that now permeate Holy Mother Church.

And that is why we need your tax-deductible contribution today.

One reader wrote us to talk about the profound change in their life that followed from their interaction with our apostolate. “Thank you so much for the work you do.” It read. “It was in large part due to your site that I found – and fell in love with – the Mass of the Ages. I’m the only one that I know who feels this way, so I appreciate having a place to go find kindred spirits. In a few weeks, I’ll take my children for their first TLM. My prayer is that someday we will be able to make the switch as a family.”

In the past week, we’ve logged 93,000 visitor sessions at our website. These are people just like you — reading articles, listening to podcasts, leaving comments, interacting with the 1P5 community. How many of them have their own stories about how this work made a difference in their lives? How many have found the courage to speak the truth to their circle of family and friends, or in their parish, because of the information we give them?

That’s why we need you.

You know you read 1P5 every day because you trust us to give you the information that matters. You know that you read us because we not only inform, but inspire you to take action. What would the situation in the Church look like today if 1P5 hadn’t been there, every step of the way during this pontificate, shedding light on darkness, countering error with truth?

Please help us to continue our mission, this month and every month. We ask you in particular to consider making a recurring contribution, which allows you to automatically give each month without hassle, and gives us income we can count on to meet our expenses. We need your help getting off the roller coaster of uncertainty when it comes to our finances. Two months ago, we hit our goal. This month, we’re only 8% funded with just two weeks left in the month to go. To make an automatically recurring donation, all you have to do is select “Create Recurring Transaction” at checkout. You can cancel at any time.

We know how much you care. We know you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.

Please prayerfully consider a gift in support of our fight today. No amount is too big or too small.

Thank you, and God bless you!

In Christ,

Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director

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