We’re Running Out of Time!


Dear Readers,

Today is the last day of our March fundraiser, and we’re still way behind target with only 46% of our $10,000 goal raised.

We can’t keep operating at a deficit, so we’re reaching out to you again for help. We just need $5,377 to hit our target to continue our mission to rebuild Catholic culture, restore Catholic tradition, and defend the Faith against attacks both from outside the Church and within.

With the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation coming out next Friday, we have our work cut out for us in the coming days. We are ready and willing to tackle this issue – but we can’t do it without your help.

I want to offer my deepest thanks to all of you who have donated so far in our March campaign. May God bless and abundantly reward you for your generosity in support of our work!

While we are praying that Our Lord will send us larger donors to keep us going,every donation matters, no matter how small. Every bit moves us closer to the goal we need to pay our bills, continue our offerings, and continue to bring you the original essays, news, and analysis you won’t find anywhere else.

P.S. – Remember that donations to 1P5 are tax-deductible as applicable by law. If you prefer to donate by check instead of online, you can do so here.

In Christ,
Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director

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