We Love Our Benefactors!

I want to thank all of you so much for your donations in March. We love you all, and we’re praying for you. In fact, in a little while I’ll be gathering up the names of all of our donors to send over for this month’s Mass for benefactors. (I’m not sure of the exact date due to Holy Week, but if it’s not in its usual slot tomorrow, it will be very soon.)

Another month is upon us. Another round of bills. Another fundraising goal. (Please help us out!)

You’ll notice that our donation page and widgets look a bit different this month. This is because we’ve purchased some new software to help with our donor management. Through a company called Donor Tools, we now have access to new forms and reporting for all donations. This will make it easier for us to get you the receipts that you need, to pull lists of donors from specific time periods for things like mass intentions and year-end letters, and so on. Yes, this is boring administrative stuff, but it’s important to the health of our organization.

Best of all, it’s going to be far more convenient for you if you’ve participated in charitable giving for 1P5. Because now you can access a full record of all your donations simply by logging into our new donor portal. Using the email address associated with your Paypal account, you can create a donor profile and pull a report of all of your contributions. It will look something like this:


We hope this will help you to keep track of everything in a more useful way for tax purposes. It also allows you to make sure we have the most up-to-date contact information for you for any correspondence we need to send.

Again, I can’t thank you enough. Your support is literally the only thing keeping us going. We’re going to be evaluating some other options for increasing revenue this year, which in turn will help us to boost our content output. We’re only just getting started, and we’re excited about what’s to come. We’re incredibly grateful for your prayers, your readership, and your financial support.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me using the contact form. You can see our new donor widget and make a contribution directly below this post.

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