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We Did It! Let’s Do It Again!!


Ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled to report to you that thanks to your contributions, combined with the generous matching donation of $5,000 an anonymous donor, we have hit our goal of $10,000 for the month of June! (In fact, we went a little bit over.)

If I’m not mistaken, it’s only the second time our little thermometer has hit the top:


I was just speaking to one of our contributors on the phone yesterday about how other Catholic publications have such huge fundraising needs that they can’t risk publishing anything that might offend their donor base. They have to raise in one quarter multiple times what we need to operate for an entire year. And as the situation with Rome gets more confusing, even some publications that see things very similarly to the way we do are finding themselves having to tread lightly in how they handle their stories.

We have an advantage. We’re small, we’re nimble, and we’re completely supported by like-minded donors and advertisers. We can say things that others can’t, and it is perhaps because of this that we have grown so much this year. We are reaching more people than ever, and we couldn’t have done it without you.


We can’t rest easy though. A new month is beginning, and with it, a new round of much-needed funds. This past month, I was able to add an associate editor to our ranks (welcome, Drew!) to help handle our submissions. This frees up more time for me to continue developing new content and features for the site. We have some custom development work that needs doing, and as we approach our two year anniversary online, there are some upgrades I’d like to make.

And of course, we need to keep paying all the monthly bills that only seem to keep going up as our apostolate grows.

With that in mind, and with June’s goals met, I’ve closed out the month early and put up the July fundraiser as of today. I did some quick back-of-the-napkin math, and if everyone who visited 1P5 in the past 30 days gave just TWELVE CENTS (I’m not even kidding), we’d meet July’s goal by the end of today.

Unfortunately, everyone who comes here won’t be able to donate, but we truly appreciate any gift, no matter how large or small, from those who can. We rely on the generosity of our donors who can give more, but every five or ten dollars moves us closer to our goal.

I really want to thank, once again, all of our June donors for helping us to cross the finish line. In a particular way, I want to thank our anonymous matching donor. Together, YOU made it possible for us to be in the black this month. What a fantastic gift you’ve given to us at a time when we need all the support we can get!

If you’d like to support us in July, please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.

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