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Volunteers Needed for a New Latin Mass Directory

TLM directory

Anthony, a fellow Catholic from the UK, is trying to put together a new user-supported Latin Mass Directory. He has reached out asking for help finding volunteers to populate the map and make sure the information is accurate.

From Anthony:

About the Latin Mass Directory:
The Latin Mass Directory is a new web site which aims to make Latin Masses around the world easy to locate. The site provides essential information such as country, diocese, day and time and helps sign post users to local websites and local contacts where they can find more detailed information.
The Directory differs from similar online resources in that it encourages users to generate new listings or flag up old ones themselves. Users can quickly and easily fill out a form to create a new listing or comment on an out of date listings to flag it up for review. With enough participation, this means the database is easier to build and maintain.
A secondary aim of the Latin Mass Directory is to help provide a statistical overview of the Latin Mass around the world, diocese by diocese, showing where it is more prevalent, where it is flourishing and where it is not. Once the site is more complete, it will be possible to present this information in different ways and to provide more detailed data filtering.
About the creator:

I’m a web developer from London with a degree in theology from Heythrop College, University of London. I have been involved in the Latin Mass movement for fifteen years. As someone who has travelled around the world fairly regularly over those fifteen years, finding local Latin Masses is a challenge I’ve often faced, and creating a reliable user-friendly Latin Mass Directory has been something I’ve had on my mind for some time.

What I’m seeking:
At this stage, I’m keen to involve volunteers interested in adding listings to the site for their own dioceses and countries. The site currently has complete listings for the UK and Ireland but is lacking for other countries.
Thinking further into the future, I’m keen to involve volunteers interested in helping review existing listings for their own dioceses or countries, ensuring that they are accurate and up to date.
Anyone who has ever tried to find a TLM while on the road knows how plagued these sorts of projects have been with problems. The user submissions/flagging on this sound promising, the site looks clean and attractive (and has a familiar color scheme!), and it looks like it may have some real potential. I’ve shared some of my own suggestions with Anthony about keeping this up to date and reliable.

Sites like this are only as good as the people who help populate and maintain them, though. If you have time and want to work on a worthwhile project, please contact Anthony here and let him know we sent you.

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