The Future’s Wide Open for 1P5!

DonorMatchingDear Readers & Supporters of 1P5,

For the first time since we opened up shop on August 1st, 2014, we have had a single donor step forward to assist our fundraising through a guaranteed matching contribution.

This anonymous donor has pledged to match the first $5,000 we raise this month with an equivalent donation! This is a truly unique opportunity, and one will help us to make significant progress toward our fundraising goals for 2016.

This is such an important and time-critical blessing for our work, we are asking that you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.

As you know, we’re reaching more people than ever before. We’re bringing them the truth of the faith, unfiltered. In the past 30 days, we’ve delivered over half a million pages of content to over a hundred thousand unique readers from around the globe. Our articles are being read from Hawaii to the Holy See. Our coverage has even gotten the attention of the Vatican, and we’re only going to keep growing.

For our work, the future is truly wide open. But as we always say: we can’t do it without you!

Please help us help the Church. Please help us bring Catholics around the world the news, insights, and analysis they won’t hear anywhere else. This is a tremendous opportunity, and we can’t afford to let it go to waste.

If you’d like to see us continue to do all we can in this time where clear voices unafraid to speak the truth are so desperately needed, please donate today.

In Christ,

Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director


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