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Ep. 47 – New Threats to Catholic Student at Providence College; Pope’s “Born Gay” Remarks Go Viral

Providence college student Michael Smalanskas has received new threats about the pro-marriage bulletin board he put up earlier this year, and the administration has only made things worse. Also: former gay man Joseph Sciambra talks about the harm done by Pope Francis and his "born gay" remarks.

Cardinal Eijk On Euthanasia, Gender Theory, Homosexuality, and Marriage

Editor’s Note: the following text is an interview with Cardinal Willem Eijk conducted by the Italian monthly magazine Il Timone and published in Italy. In this interview, Cardinal Eijk makes some courageous statements about important matters of our time. We present to our readers herewith a translation of the whole document, with the kind permission from…

Amoris Laetitia and Lumen Gentium: ‘Partial’ Marriage, ‘Partial’ Church

Editor’s note: The following originally appeared at Whispers of Restoration. It is reprinted and adapted here with the author’s permission.  Faithful Catholics have something to be edified and encouraged by in the “Filial Correction” of Pope Francis just made public, originating from 62 clerics and lay signatories, with more cosignatories each day. The 25-page document…

Permission for Divorce and the Catholic Lawyer’s Dilemma

We live in an age of demagoguery, where would-be petty tyrants grasp at power from behind the stalking horses of “oppressed” or “powerless” surrogates. We must “help the kids” or “save the planet” or do something-or-other for the peripheral groups of people who live at the margins of society. (Or is that the marginalized groups…

Rome Grants SSPX Conditional Faculties to Celebrate Marriage

Under Pope Francis, Rome has moved with surprising haste to take concrete steps to bring the Society of St. Pius X  closer to a regularized canonical situation. While SSPX Masses have always been seen as valid (though of questionable liceity), other sacraments offered by priests of the society which require jurisdiction from the local ordinary —…

Pope Francis: Jesus Did Not Tell the Pharisees that Divorce is Forbidden

There are coming to us now different reports about Pope Francis’ Santa Marta homily of today which are very troubling. He mentions the Pharisees’ question about divorce and whether it is permitted and then comments on the reaction of Our Lord (Mark 10:1-12), as follows: Jesus does not answer whether it is permitted or not. He…

Italian Cardinal Defends Traditional Catholic Teaching on Marriage

On 15 February, the Italian journal Il Timone published an article written by Cardinal Camillo Ruini – former Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome – in which he defends the traditional Catholic teaching on marriage according to which the “remarried” divorcees may not receive the Sacraments if they do not live as brother and sister.…

Suggestions for the 2015 Synod on the Family

  The following editorial by Father Peter Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D., appears in the current (May/June) issue of The Catholic Response magazine. It is posted here with Father’s permission. When the Extraordinary Synod on the Family was announced and when it concluded, I promised our readers ongoing reflections on the Church’s understanding of marriage and the family, particularly…

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