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Argentinian Nun Says Pope Advocates Contraception. Again.

A famous Argentinian nun has said that Pope Francis told her that several forms of contraception could be permissible to stop those women who want to avoid pregnancy from choosing abortion. It wasn’t long ago that the idea of a pope promoting contraceptive use — an intrinsic evil, condemned infallibly by the Church — would have seemed…

Professor Seifert Comments on Fr. Chiodi’s “Re-Reading of Humanae Vitae”

Image of Fr. Chiodi courtesy of Diane Montagna/LifeSiteNews Editor’s Note: The following text is a statement written by Professor Josef Seifert, a famous Austrian philosopher and co-founder of the International Academy of Philosophy (IAP). He kindly sent it to us for publication.  Professor Father Maurizio Chiodi delivered last Dec. 14, 2017, at the Pontifical Gregorian University…

Where Does Pope Francis Really Stand on Contraception?

Editor’s note: originally published in February, 2017, we are re-posting this today in light of dismissals by some media outlets that the Vatican would ever consider a new, contraception-friendly pastoral “re-interpretation” of Humanae Vitae. The nature of the statements and gestures below — and the sheer number of them — should put any confidence that Humanae Vitae could…

A Cause for Cautious Optimism: US Abortions Are Down 12%

From LiveActionNews: A survey released Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) shows that abortion rates are dropping nationwide: the overall decrease was roughly 12 percent. The survey shows in states with significant pro-life legislation, such as Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma, the drop is closer to 15 percent; however, pro-life states were not alone. The report notes that…

What’s Going on at the USCCB? More trouble at CCHD and CRS

As a publisher of a Catholic website, I receive lots of information that may be of interest to readers. Lately, that has included press releases about the activities of USCCB-related organizations like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). The CCHD has been under scrutiny by pro-life Catholics for about as long as I can remember.…

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