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Spiritual Works of Mercy: A Contemporary Retelling of Matthew 25:31–46

The twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew is surely one of the most rousing of all chapters in the New Testament. It has shocked into spiritual wakefulness unnumbered Christians down through the centuries; it has inspired the art of church doors and altar pieces from one end of Christendom to the other; it has prompted a never-ending…

Ep. 47 – New Threats to Catholic Student at Providence College; Pope’s “Born Gay” Remarks Go Viral

Providence college student Michael Smalanskas has received new threats about the pro-marriage bulletin board he put up earlier this year, and the administration has only made things worse. Also: former gay man Joseph Sciambra talks about the harm done by Pope Francis and his "born gay" remarks.

Seeking Tradition: We Cannot Give What We Do Not Have

As many have recently noted, there is a deficit not in the deposit of faith, but in our access to it. Take, for example, Whispers of Restoration’s recent article “Exiting ‘SquishyChurch,” Eric Sammons’s explanation on the “Old Evangelization,” and OnePeterFive’s mission of “Rebuilding Catholic Culture. Restoring Catholic Tradition.” When I returned to the faith, having abandoned…

A Cause for Cautious Optimism: US Abortions Are Down 12%

From LiveActionNews: A survey released Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) shows that abortion rates are dropping nationwide: the overall decrease was roughly 12 percent. The survey shows in states with significant pro-life legislation, such as Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma, the drop is closer to 15 percent; however, pro-life states were not alone. The report notes that…

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