Archive for

Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Bishop Schneider on Papal Heresy, Automatic Deposition, & the Controversy over Who is the True Pope

Editor’s Note: The following text, text issued today by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and first published at LifeSiteNews, addresses some key questions and controversies that have surrounded the papacy and have caused division among faithful Catholics in the midst of the current pontificate and the ongoing crisis in the Church. Most notably, he examines the question…

Worldwide Days of Prayer and Reparation for Amazon Synod Idolatry on Nov. 9th & 10th

I have been working on the latest episode (#53) of the 1P5 podcast for the past couple of days that, unfortunately, was delayed due to some technical issues. These have since been resolved, but I’m still editing, and won’t have time to complete the episode until Saturday, Nov. 9th. (As I write this it’s late…

Bishop Schneider Publishes Open Letter Condemning Pachamama Idolatry

In a new open letter published today, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, invoking his “ordination as a Catholic bishop and successor to the Apostles,” condemns the use of the pagan “Pachamama” idols in the churches in Rome and praises the “courageous and praiseworthy act” of the “brave Christian gentlemen” who “expelled the wooden idolatrous…

Bishop Schneider Offers Hope Amidst Crisis Permitted by “Divine Providence”

As the ecclesiastical crisis continues to deepen in 2017, I have found myself facing a certain exhaustion; a feeling that, while knowing the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, that Christ will have the final victory, there is no respite from the near-constant series of assaults from the enemies of God’s truth.…

What Ten Apostles in Gethsemane Can Teach Us About Our Bishops Today

In his most recent post over at First Things, R.R. Reno discusses the contemporary phenomenon in the Church which he aptly labels “duck and cover” Catholicism. Specifically addressing the firestorm which erupted when Governor Mike Pence of Indiana signed the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Reno observes: As I expected, the leaders of the…

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