Pardon Our Dust – We’re Adding More Content

This weekend, OnePeterFive will be one month old! Thousands of you have already visited, read, and shared our content, making this one of the fastest growing Catholic websites on the Internet.

As a new publication, we’ve been pacing ourselves. One feature a day, five days a week. That’s been the model. In addition, we’ve added the News Feed and From the Blogs sections, which are outgoing links cultivated to the best items we’re seeing and reading from around the web.

We also started the OnePeterFive podcast, which is scheduled to be produced weekly. (Free subscriptions are available through iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher through the dropdown menu under “Podcasts” on the navigation bar at the top of the screen.)

But we wanted to offer more.

You may have already noticed some slight changes to the layout. That’s because today, we’ve added three new sections to the site:

  • The 1P5 Blog is a place where several of our writers will link to and discuss the news of the day. For the most part, these posts will be shorter in length and not be shown in the slider at the top of the page, which is reserved for our featured articles. Look for the blog posts in the “1P5 Blog” section directly below our featured content slider.
  • Catholic Voices is where we’ll feature reader submissions and work from our stable of writers that is more free form or literary in nature than our featured articles. Reflections on Catholic life or parenting, poetry, and short fiction would all be good examples of the kind of content you’ll find in Catholic Voices.
  • Recommended Videos is exactly what it sounds like. Found near the bottom of the homepage, you’ll see links to videos we think you’ll find worth watching on topics our readers care about.


But that’s not all! We’ve had a number of readers contact us asking how they can write for 1P5. We’ve added a brand new submissions page that allows you to pitch us your ideas directly. This can be found at any time under the dropdown from the “Contact” menu item in the top navigation bar.

We also received several complaints from readers about the popup ads asking you to support 1P5 that were showing up on our articles, especially on mobile devices where they were difficult to close. We’ve removed these ads because we don’t want anything to get in the way of this being the best readership experience possible.

As our website readership grows, our costs rise with it. We really do depend on financial support from readers like you to keep things running, however, so if you find that we’re providing you something of value, please hit the donate link and make a contribution, no matter how small.

In addition, we are now selling advertising space. If you or someone you know owns a business that would love to sell to an engaged, loyal, Catholic audience, have them visit our advertising page.

Finally, for those who have signed up for our mailing list, thank you. No, the list isn’t broken, we’re just not interested in spamming our readers. In the coming weeks we’ll be looking into appropriate options for providing daily or weekly digests of posts, straight to your inbox. Until then, sit tight, and we’ll let you know when we get there.

As always, thanks for reading! We welcome your feedback, so please either leave a comment on this post, or hit our contact page and tell us how you think we’re doing.


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