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Papal Adviser: Martin Luther “An Awe-Inspiring Seeker of God”

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, member of the pope’s inner circle of closest advisers, advocate of the Kasper proposal, and head of the German bishops’ conference, can now add to his list of titles, “Great admirer of arch-heretics.”

In a report from Gloria.TV, we are treated to this quote from the aptly-named Cardinal:

In a meeting with the president of the Protestants in Germany, Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has again sung the praises of Martin Luther calling him – quote – “an awe-inspiring seeker of God as I would wish my parish-priests and theologians to be.”

Check out the full report here for more on Luther, and a surprise cameo from me (which I was not expecting when I started the video):

52 thoughts on “Papal Adviser: Martin Luther “An Awe-Inspiring Seeker of God””

  1. Marx is a de facto Lutheran. But then agan, GermChurch is a defacto branch of the Lutheran sect. Shortly before the Second Synod on the Family he attended a Lutheran congress where he promised the assembled heretics that he would “do his best” to get recognition for sodomitic unions. This creep has maintained that sodomite unions have “value” and revised GermChurch Inc. labour laws to make it easy for perverts, sodomite and adulterers of all stripes to get employment from GermChurch, Inc.
    So it is no surprise whatsoever that he comes out in praise of the devil Luther, a wretch he aspires to emulate.

    • I would say Mirus and his vomit-inducing papolatry is the real danger. Gloria TV is one of those few outlets which is grounded in reality.

  2. The Church must cast off from this diabolical crowd.
    Into the lifeboat of Christ’s Church we go……..
    Who will steer the ship?
    Speeches, books, etc…… what good are they? Get a grip cardinals, you must speak and confront and offer fraternal correction once and for all.
    Do what is right for Christ and His Church and for the salvation of souls.

    So now Ireland rejoices and claims what no man on earth can change!
    Poor souls, They are being misled by sins of the flesh and not one cardinal will speak up and decry that the pope is wrong in addressing the issue in Argentina as he did?

    This is not the Church our Lord gave us. I do not recognize it.
    And neither does He.

  3. Is there anyone who can honestly say (other than the same old Francis apologists who make excuses for any and all concerning actions this pontiff performs) that Marx—”member of the pope’s inner circle of closest advisers”—is on his own and that his words in no way reflect Francis’s views in any way, shape, or form? Because I was always taught that one is known by the company one keeps, and that to associate with someone who spouts heresy as a matter of course without public repudiation would be to give tacit approval to their words and deeds.

    Can anyone doubt now that October 31, 2016 will mark the day that Martin Luther is fully rehabilitated and the Protestant heresy declared to be “no big deal” after all? I hope and pray I am wrong, but at this juncture I see no other outcome, nor do I buy the milquetoast excuse put forth by some head-in-the-sand apologists that the Pope’s presence at Lund is just a courtesy.

    • I think this year we should not engage in any of the usual Halloween festivities (if you do so) and instead pray and fast. I’ve got a hunch that Bergoglio will “concelebrate” a so called “Mass” with Lutherans and they will receive communion.

      Would it be wrong to pray for an end to this pontificate by any means before Oct. 31?

    • Me too. I had never read Alice in Wonderland. I always wanted to but never got around to it. So, several months ago, I did. I’m sure most here have either read it or are very familiar with it: nothing is at is seems, physical laws don’t apply, absurdity abounds, caterpillars smoke hookahs and give advice, etc. According to Wikipedia, “It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre”. After I finished it, I read the news online from different sources as I do every day, and the funny thing is, everything seemed to make sense! For a couple of days all the insanity of today’s world (in the Church and outside the Church), all the evil in the world, people calling “good evil and evil good” made perfect sense! It all seemed ‘logical’, if you will. It was a bizarre feeling.

  4. Yeah I caught that video and saw the Skojec appear and the quote, good stuff. Unfortunately, its about very bad stuff. The Cardinal’s wish is far more of a reality in Germany than a wish as the majority of their Episcopate and Cardinalate are like Martin Luther and so are their priests and theologians (aka Seminarians.) I lived in Bohn for the summer (school stuff) back in 2002 and spiritually it was one of the most desolate times in my life. The Church was definitely in great decline and I had to chastise a priest for trying to tell me what sin was and wasn’t (he was wrong.)

    • Unfortunately I have had that experience many many times here (priests trying to tell me something isn’t a sin which is). The good news though is that these wolves are dying out in Germany, just 58 ordained this year.

  5. One more thought:

    If Marx—and Francis, by association—is correct, then why did I bother to return to the Church five years ago? Why did I subsequently bother, in obedience to Church law, to have my marriage convalidated after being civilly married in a Lutheran “church”? Why did I help my Lutheran wife convert to the True Faith, even though the process was painful and filled with strife for many months and our marriage tested greatly? Why did my wife, who was still Lutheran at the time, and I vow before Almighty God at the time of my children’s baptisms to raise them as Catholics in obedience to Church teaching, even though it would have been far easier and caused less strife within her family to raise them with an air of religious indifference and an “all religions are equal” mentality?

    So thank you, Cardinal Marx, and all who share your views. Thank you for making the lives of those of us who have tried their best to remain obedient to Christ and belong to His True Church that much more difficult. Because if all of Christianity is the same, more or less, then why should my wife and I have even bothered at all?

    Thank you so very, very much. (Heavy sarcasm most definitely applies.)

  6. So when is King Henry the VIII being canonized? No one accompanied him and he was pastorally neglected back then.

    At least Lund is during Halloween – we can always say the Lund meeting was a bunch of people just dressed up and portraying bishops and Christs followers (unfortunately Catholic and Lutheran possibly)

  7. So does this mean I can join the Lutheran church down the street from where I live — as a dual or as an associate membership along with the registration I have at my Catholic parish? I wouldn’t have as far to drive in inclement weather. Awesome. Thank you, Cardinal Marx. sarc off/

  8. I find that a good way of retaining my sanity when I read creeps like Marx is to visualise him as his doppelganger – Jabba the Hut. Its better to ridicule these apostates rather than fear them.

    I’m still working on a suitable substitute for Frankie-two-flats. Homer Simpson perhaps?

  9. I remain convinced we shall either witness the canonization of the maniac or the declaration of the fraud as a Doctor of the Church by official Bergoglian declaration during the upcoming celebration of the protestant revolt.
    Even if it doesn’t happen officially, it already has.
    When is enough enough?
    Protestantism in its “main-line” masquerade is nothing more than deism at best. In its most honest presentation, it is simply atheism. Cardinal Marx and his clique fit in perfectly

    • When is enough enough? I should have thought we had reached that stage at least two years ago. The pathetic excuse of our Hierarchy not wanting to harm the Institution is just the same as the one trotted out in the Child Abuse Scandal. The institutional Church is more important than the souls of the Faithful. None of them are worthy of the Offices they hold. We need a total clean-out & the Vatican & precincts exorcised, for as the late Fr. Amorth said it reeks of the smell of Satan.

      • In retrospect, I’m afraid enough was enough on October 13, 1962. But we abandoned our critical faculties to a false notion of obedience.
        I don’t know what to do.

        • Marxist/Masonic/Modernism has been in the CC for well over a century and no Pope has been able to overcome it, mainly because its adherents have acquired the highest positions within the Hierarchy & have, since VII, attained & kept the Papal Office. PF is the outcome of their endeavours & yet despite countless petitions & even admonitions from highly educated priests & academics (Theologians, Philosophers, Canon Lawyers etc.) is still running amok. We must remember, though, that such has been predicted by Our Lady & many saints – it is not that we haven’t been forewarned. Our answer is prayer, fasting & resisting. There is nothing else we can do. Separating the wheat from the chaff is taking a long time but it will leave a more purified church. When all seems lost, and we are getting there very rapidly, Our Blessed Lady will triumph. Don’t lose heart.

          • The funny thing is that they (modernists, heretics, masons, etc) think it will last forever. They think their palatial apartments in Rome and most every other diocese, with servants, a driver and all the trappings will just go on and on into perpetuity. LOL, The end is gonna be HARD for a lot of these sweetie pies.

          • It certainly is and I sense the end is getting very near now. I cannot imagine that Heaven is going to show a blind eye towards the Lund Commemorations & with the centenary of Fatima next May I expect the stage to be well set for a shown-down by then.

  10. Martin Luther….let’s see.. he was an excommunicated Augustinian Monk Priest…He was heretic and brought destruction the Catholic faith in Europe.. even great Saints during his time such as Teresa of Avila said that he’ll be in hell and all his followers.. and our Pope gives a Plaza in Vatican City last year in honor of the excommunicated Priest Martin Luther! Putting insult upon injury to those Souls that suffered and was Martyred for remaining faithful Catholics. God help our Church and God help this world!

  11. My understanding is the driver for all this nonsense is the fact that the Vatican has projected it is on it’s way to bankruptcy, due to declining membership, etc and must make friends with the worldly powers (Soros, Governments) in order to obtain the funds to survive. Has anyone else heard this.? It seems to make sense based on the crazy actions of Pope Francis.

  12. Martin Luther was more of a Catholic than Marx and Kasper. That said with Marx’s comments I wish he leave the Church and go join the Lutherans taking Kasper with him.

    • What and give up his palatial estates, first class travel, driver, servants, gourmet meals, BMW’s, millions of euros? Nobody gives to the Lutherans, they can’t support his lifestyle. These guys have their fiefdoms they won’t give up any time soon, that is until the barbarians are at the gates,

  13. Pardon my french but is anyone else just tired with reading the latest blogposts about these blaspheming, heretical @s******? We get it, the Church is dead, congrats Marx, you’ve killed it over the last 50 years along with all your ilk Enjoy the last days of your fun before an eternity.
    C’mon chastising, avenging angels, come clean out these Augean stables

  14. If the staffs of the Remnant, the Wanderer (as a sop to the liberals), and Catholic Family News had been put in charge of episcopal and cardinalatial appointments since 1965, they would have appointed literally thousands fewer heretics than Blessed Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, Benedict, and Francis.


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