Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 4th Sunday after Pentecost: Something from Nothing

In earlier days in the Roman Church one of the calendrical milestones of the liturgical year was the “birthday” of the Apostles Peter and Paul, that is to say, the feast of their martyrdom and birth into new life in Heaven, 29 June.  The imagery of being born is commonly used in reference to the…

A Neglected Gem in the Traditional Roman Missal: The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

If you have ever shown up early to church and found yourself quietly paging through your hand missal—let’s say, a Saint Andrew Daily Missal reprint from 1945—you might have stumbled across a section of Mass formularies that may be unfamiliar owing to the rarity of their use. Some of these will be identified as Votive…

Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost: Stay Frosty, My Friends

Rome can be hot during the summer.  Blazing hot and breezy, a recipe for fire.  Rome had recorded 6 great fires in its history.  However, on 18 July of 64 AD, a fire started near the vast chariot area, the Circus Maximus.  According to the ancient historian Tacitus (56-120), who was in Rome at the…

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