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My USA Today Op-Ed: Christ Was Not a Divine Ecologist

A couple of days ago, I got an email from a member of the USA Today editorial board:

Would you be interested in writing what we call an “opposing view” for USA Today on the Pope’s address to Congress and the general direction he has taken since his election? We are going to write an editorial praising him for taking on such issues as climate change and poverty. We are looking for a different perspective that would be more critical of of what he has done and what he says on Thursday. It would be 350 words and due Thursday afternoon.

As I’ve previously stated, it makes me nervous to be the go-to guy for “opposition.” As a cradle Catholic who has devoted most of the past 20 years to deepening my understanding and defense of the faith, being at odds with my pope is a source of constant tension and discomfort. I’ve been called a lot of names in the past week or two. I’ve been accused of hate. I’ve had people fantasize in open forums about killing me. I’ve been maligned with accusations of antisemitism and sedevacantism. I’ve seen people warn others to stay away from this website and our work, as if we’re somehow a danger to the faith.

All of this by people who call themselves “Catholic.”

Still, I remain convinced that now is the time to have this discussion about the papacy, its priorities, its allies and enemies, and this crisis in the Church which has existed for many years but has recently intensified by orders of magnitude. It’d be my preference that we have a conversation about these things like adults. There’s nothing I can do about these people, other than to pray for them. I’m not in it for the money, because there’s precious little of it. I’m not in it for the “fame,” because it’s mostly notoriety and contempt. I’m not in it because it makes my life easier in any conceivable way.

I do this because I love Jesus Christ and His Mystical Bride, the Church, more than anything in this world. And I refuse to stand by and watch the things I love most be abused or neglected, even by those charged with their care.

And so, I agreed to write the op-ed, which was published today. (You can see the other side of the argument, from the USA Today editorial board, right here. )

Early in his papacy, Pope Francis admonished that the Catholic Church is not a “humanitarian agency, the church is not an NGO (non-governmental organization). The church is sent to bring Christ and his Gospel to all.”

As Thursday’s congressional address emphasized, however, Francis’ priorities are climate change, economic justice, marginalization and the poor, while little emphasis is placed on the deep moral and spiritual crisis that threatens our eternal salvation or our subsequent need for authentic conversion.

This diversion from the church’s traditional focus has won critical acclaim from the secular world and raised expectations that at last there’s a pope who will forceCatholicism to “get with the times.”

At the core of our faith, however, is the belief that its doctrines — founded upon divinely revealed truths — are unchangeable.

Yet under the auspices of “pastoral concern” or “mercy,” we hear a commonly expressed anticipation that Francis will reverse this or that long-held teaching. This is pure wishful thinking, but it is indulged by many high-ranking church prelates, and at times, it seems, by Francis himself.

Stewardship over creation is one of the first responsibilities God gave to Adam and Eve. Care for the poor and the destitute was an important tenet of Jesus’ public ministry. But Christ was not a divine ecologist or social worker. Jesus Christ fed the poor, but his principal concern was their spiritual nourishment.

Appropriate Christian concern for temporal matters is virtuous, but when isolated from the salvific message of the Gospels, the church risks becoming the very NGO Francis has condemned.

When true sanctity is replaced with ersatz religious materialism, we easily forget our reason for existence: to know, love and serve God in this life, and to be happy with him in the next.

Truly, “our common home” is not earth, but heaven. More than ever, our world needs the pope to fix his eyes firmly there — not here — and to lead us to our eternal destination.

There is, however, something missing from the published version. In the original, I wrote:

Stewardship over creation is one of the first responsibilities God gave to Adam and Eve. Care for the poor and the destitute was an important tenet of Jesus’ public ministry. But Christ was not a divine ecologist or social worker. He fed the poor, but His principal concern was their spiritual nourishment: “Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.” He said. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever…” (Jn. 6:49;51)

The bolded line — a pivotal scripture passage in making my case — was edited out.

When I received the copy back from the editor last night, it came in an email as I was out running errands. I didn’t have the chance to respond right away. When I did, I asked why that line was taken out. “I know it’s a secular audience,” I wrote, “but I was attempting to show rather than tell that Jesus was focused on what I said He was focused on. Since we’re talking about the leader of the largest Christian denomination in the world, I didn’t think it would entirely out of place to put one reference to what Christ said in the piece.”

My contact responded, “i don’t know why the desk chose to trim what it did. We’re certainly not averse to running passages from the Bible.”

So I asked again to have the line reinstated, since I didn’t exceed my word limit. I never heard back. Shortly thereafter, I saw that it had already gone to print.

It’s possible that there just wasn’t room. I wasn’t told whether the word limit included my single-sentence bio. Looking at the print version, I concede it may have been an issue of space:


But it was just one line, and insofar as it was Our Lord Himself making the point I was trying to illustrate, a pretty important one. I wish it could have stayed in. Maybe something else I said could have been taken out instead. That passage was the only thing removed. I’m not accusing anyone of malice – I just think it’s very unfortunate.

When all is said and done, I’m still content with what I wrote. I prayed a lot before doing it, and asked the same from others. My detractors would no doubt scoff at this, but it’s really important to me to ask for God’s guidance when dealing with such delicate topics. My prayer is always, “Let me do Your will in this work and not my own.” In this case in particular, 350 words isn’t much space to make a nuanced point about a complex and controversial issue, so I hope I did it justice. USA Today is the third-largest newspaper by circulation in the country. It’s not every day I’ll have a chance like this.

My only regret is that with the name and message of Jesus getting very little play in this week’s public discourse about the Catholic Faith, He wound up, in part, disappearing here, too. His absence has grown conspicuous where His presence should be central. It’s our job to put Him back.

44 thoughts on “My USA Today Op-Ed: Christ Was Not a Divine Ecologist”

  1. Steve,
    Thanks so much for being a defender of the faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Anglican Communion has been going through a terrible split over the last decade and I feel your pain. No one wants to second guess leadership but truth is as important as unity. Fr. Dale Matson

  2. Brilliant, Steve. My favorite line, which could be the title of a book, is “it seems”. Yes, that is a great title for a book about this papacy.

    That said, the removal of that one pivotal line is highly ironic. The one line that makes it absolutely clear what your bigger point is was removed. Is this not the very issue with this papacy? What not clear if it’s the Pope or his handlers that have done the editing.

    To address the world on the world stage and not mention the name of Jesus EVEN ONCE seems calculated to diminish him, and the shame he seems to bring. Yet, at no other name will the world bow and confess “Lord”. I just don’t get how you don’t mention Jesus, whether you are Pope Peter, Pope JPII, Pope Benedict XVI, or Pope Francis.

    With Peter, we know he did mention him by name, and that is what got him in trouble, and got him results:

    Acts 2:ff
    “…listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know— this man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God…But God raised him up, having freed him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power…This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses. Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you both see and hear…God has made him both Lord and Messiah.

    Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

    Imagine if the Pope addressed the world this way! Just once! It’s the Gospel! Plain and simple! The Reformation would immediately be undone, Christians would become one, and we could avoid the wrath to come or save more souls at least mitigate it.


    The basic impression the Pope leaves is that Jesus is that important. The power is in the name, not in the solar panels.

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  3. Excellent! And even with the Bible quotes taken out, the truth rings out strong. As in Luke 19:40 “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

    It was just that clear.

    Thank you, Steve, for speaking out at this critical time. Please continue to prayerfully answer the requests to speak on behalf of that which needs to be said. Your voice is strong and clear, humbly and prayerfully considered. Not many can answer this call in this way.

  4. Steve wrote:

    ” His absence has grown conspicuous where His presence should be central.”

    Jesus is present in your writings. God bless you!

  5. “…I remain convinced that now is the time to have this discussion….” Many of us agree and believe me when I say we are no more comfortable doing so than you are. But what? Do we simply shut our mouths and sulk in a corner rather than ask questions? Doesn’t seem very dignified or adult to me, and it’s not even in line with the dialogue Francis himself has repeatedly called for. With so much maliciousness concerning this question floating about in Catholic circles, I wonder if there is a reader of this blog, perhaps a college professor with expertise in the field, who could explain to us John Henry Newman’s reticence when it came to approving the doctrine of papal infallibility. I suspect that a lot of the vituperation coming your way is grounded in a faulty understanding of the developmental history and true scope of this doctrine.

        • ggogle

          another look at Newman

          INS doesn’t have the time right now to search his Orestes Brownson Reader to isolate and identify his rich critique of Newman’s development of doctrine but there are legitimate doubts to be had about it

          pax tecum

          • One suggestion deserves another, and I suspect mine is more telling. Read The Great Dissent: John Henry Newman and the Liberal Heresy by Robert Pattison. This author, although he thinks Newman failed in his quest, puts the Cardinal where William Buckley once thought himself to be, viz. athwart history shouting “Stop!” But where Buckley was largely blather and boast, Newman was the solid article. According to Pattison, he is the only authentic reactionary in the full meaning of the word from the 19th century till today. Newman was an unsparing enemy of modern liberalism (as am I) and the chief paladin of dogmatic truth.

          • OK, IANS will try and chase that down when he has time.

            As regards to Buckley, he was a grand supporter of American exceptionalism and american collectivism and he did the dirty work for his NY Neo-Con masters by attacking trad Catholics – including even his father.

            Reid Buckley was much better 🙂

  6. Steve,
    Considering all that your private life calls you to, you have done great work defending Holy Mother Church and God will bless you for doing just that. These are perilous times and we need to be aware of all that the devil is throwing at us. If you really want to understand all that we are experiencing, read the life of Father Villa and you will realize just where it all went wrong.

  7. Probably if you put a shorter line from Jesus like this one, USA Today would have hard time explaining the “space” issue:

    “For the poor you have always with you; but me you have not always. ”

    -John 12:8

    Or you could have cut a bit of your own writing and quoted this longer line from Jesus:

    “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor
    gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you
    of much more value than they? ”

    -Matthew 6:26

    Or, this one about what really God wants from Men, it is long but worth it and it would be too hard to understand for USA Today and their ignorant readers:

    Isaiah, Chapter 1: 2-31

    2 Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth, for the LORD speaks: Sons have I raised and reared, but they have rebelled against me!

    3 An ox knows its owner, and an ass, its master’s manger; But Israel does not know, my people has not understood.

    4 Ah! Sinful nation, people laden with wickedness, evil offspring, corrupt children! They have forsaken the LORD, spurned the Holy One of Israel, apostatized,

    5 Why would you yet be struck, that you continue to rebel? The whole head is sick, the whole heart faint.

    6 From the sole of the foot to the head there is no sound spot in it; Just bruise and welt and oozing wound, not drained, or bandaged, or eased with salve.

    7 Your country is waste, your cities burnt with fire; Your land—before your eyes strangers devour it, a waste, like the devastation of Sodom.

    8 And daughter Zion is left like a hut in a vineyard, Like a shed in a melon patch, like a city blockaded.

    9 If the LORD of hosts had not left us a small remnant, We would have become as Sodom, would have resembled Gomorrah.

    10 Hear the word of the LORD, princes of Sodom! Listen to the instruction of our God, people of Gomorrah!

    11 What do I care for the multitude of your sacrifices? says the LORD. I have had enough of whole-burnt rams and fat of fatlings; In the blood of calves, lambs, and goats I find no pleasure.

    12 When you come to appear before me, who asks these things of you?

    13 Trample my courts no more! To bring offerings is useless; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and sabbath, calling assemblies—festive convocations with wickedness—these I cannot bear.

    14 Your new moons and festivals I detest; they weigh me down, I tire of the load.

    15 When you spread out your hands, I will close my eyes to you; Though you pray the more, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood!

    16 Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil;

    17 learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow.

    18 Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD: Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; Though they be red like crimson, they may become white as wool.

    19 If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land;

    20 But if you refuse and resist, you shall be eaten by the sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken!

    21 How she has become a prostitute, the faithful city, so upright! Justice used to lodge within her, but now, murderers.

    22 Your silver is turned to dross, your wine is mixed with water.

    23 Your princes are rebels and comrades of thieves; Each one of them loves a bribe and looks for gifts. The fatherless they do not defend, the widow’s plea does not reach them.

    24 Now, therefore, says the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah! I will take vengeance on my foes and fully repay my enemies!

    25 I will turn my hand against you, and refine your dross in the furnace, removing all your alloy.

    26 I will restore your judges* as at first, and your counselors as in the beginning; After that you shall be called city of justice, faithful city.

    27 Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and her repentant ones by righteousness.

    28 Rebels and sinners together shall be crushed, those who desert the LORD shall be consumed. Judgment on the Sacred Groves

    29 You shall be ashamed of the terebinths which you desired, and blush on account of the gardens which you chose.

    30 You shall become like a terebinth whose leaves wither, like a garden that has no water.

    31 The strong tree shall turn to tinder,and the one who tends it shall become a spark; Both of them shall burn together, and there shall be none to quench them.”

  8. Steve, great article. You have my full support. Your sincerity of heart is obvious and what you say is exactly correct: Pope Francis came off sounding like a Communist and a “Social Justice Catholic” who has never heard of sin, the sacraments, Christ, repentance, or salvation. So, stop beating yourself up over it. Pope Francis is basically Obama in a white robe (clearly hyperbole, but you get the point). We’ve had “bad” popes before. Well…we may have another one here. Most sane Catholics get that. But may I make two comments? And I say this respectfully because you are a real Catholic. You are a normal heterosexual (yay!) man who is married [just once, yay!] and has brought six children into this world (open to life, yay!).

    In other words: YOU WALK THE WALK.

    Two comments in this regard:

    1. Don’t let any of these effeminate half-men Catholic priests tell you “what’s what”. Unlike most of them, you are a normal man, a REAL MAN, living in the real world, supporting a large family and trying to live the Catholic Faith in its fullness. NEVER apologize for that! You have done NOTHING wrong! Let these effeminate half-men Catholic priests apologize for their self-absorbed, ineffectual, slothful lives. But you owe no one an apology. While they “TALK” a good game, you are actually LIVING IT. So, no apologies please.

    2. Stop your hand-wringing over why the mainstream media refused to publish the actual words of Christ. Steve, you are not that naive. Are you? The devil will always allow you to criticize the pope. Anything that makes the Church look bad is fine with him. But are you so naive that you really think the words of Christ were edited out BECAUSE OF SPACE? Dude, really?? That is the devil at work, man. He’ll let you say a few negative things about the pope, sure, no problem. But publish the actual words of Christ in USA Today? In a context where they would have been very powerful indeed?? NEVER. There is a reason why Christ referred to the devil as “the prince of this world”. In God’s overall plan, satan is allowed certain powers in this world. That much is evident and undeniable. And…OBVIOUSLY…the mainstream media is an area where The Lord, for His own reasons, allows the devil A LOT of influence. So, I guess my point here is simply: Stop the public hand-wringing over whether USA Today edited out the words of Christ “for reasons of space”. Dude. The MSM is owned by the devil. Don’t be so naive. And the devil would never let the words of Our Blessed Lord be published in a context like this…where they would actually have been very powerful.

    Steve: keep up the good work. Head up, chin out. You’ve done nothing wrong, man. No apologies to the effeminate Catholic priest coterie. And be less naive about satan’s obvious control of the mainstream media. It clearly was NOT a question of space. They edited out the words of Christ because they are doing “the will of their father”…the devil. See John 8:44. Unlike our emasculated Catholic clergy today, Jesus spoke clearly and forcefully: “The father from whom you are is the devil, and the desires of your father it is your will to do”. Your words were “edited out” because the mainstream media is [hello, obviously] controlled by the devil.

  9. I think the problem with both Steve here and the Newspaper in particular is that somehow we see this as either or. In his papal encyclical the Holy Father explained fairly well that the poor are those that suffer most from ecological problems. His mission is in line with all 5 of his immediate predecessors each of which discussed the environment.

    • “Ecological problems” are what are often classified as “acts of God”. To say that the poor suffer more from things like hurricane Katrina, while true, misses the point. Hurricane Katrina was no more caused by me and mankind than the flood. In order to help the poor it is necessary to introduce them to the saving power of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. To indulge them in the fantasy that ‘man made global warming’ is the cause, and that salvation comes from the government’s effort to curb this ‘problem’, is to disregard the gospel and bow down to Caesar.

  10. Thank you for your courage. There are many who will have you in their prayers and I am one. May God bless you, and strengthen you. Thank you for the truth.

  11. Thank you all so much for your kindness and support. I don’t get to respond individually to as many people as I’d like, but I want you to know that I read all your comments and I’m so grateful for all of you.

    This has been a hard week. I suspect it’s only the beginning of a time that will test the faith of many. Your prayers, your encouragement, your support – they all mean a great deal. God bless you all!

  12. Just read USATODAY comments. Thanks for asking what was not mentioned during visit…what about Jesus. Trying to be a good influence is on thing but being the Pope is another, and as the Pope the main focus is about Christ. We can clean up the outside of the platter all we want to or white was the sepulcher but inside it is filled with dead men’s bones. So sad the Vicar of Christ never even said anyting about Him!

  13. “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.” Luke 6:22

    “Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.” Luke 6:26

    It’s official. We’re living in bizarro world. The Most Holy Father of the Catholic Church, The Vicar of Christ, Successor to the Chair of Saint Peter, Pope Francis, the darling of progressive Catholics, liberal Protestants, and open-minded atheists everywhere, seems to be living on the wrong side of judgment day. While some obscure writer/blogger named ‘Steve Skojec’ who everyone thinks is just a big wet blanket trying to ruin the party, seems to be living the gospel first hand. Weird!

  14. Hey Steve, thanks for being a literary David. I am so happy that they contacted you to write for the differing viewpoint. And yes, I can imagine this has made you none to popular with the Church of nice crowd, but then again, John 15:18 If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you.

  15. I see nothing wrong at all with the Pope speaking on:
    1. “Our common home” and “caring for creation.” The earth is good, and was created by our Creator, through Jesus Christ all things were made. The Pope did not focus on hysterical fears of global warming, but our “common home”. There are many third world countries coming of age right now, we must now more than ever be concerned with sustainable development.
    2. The Holy Father was speaking to each in language each could understand. He mentioned care for the most vulnerable and concerns over marriage and family, while not seeking to polarize but to end polarization through dialog towards truth also common to humanity. There is a real danger now with polarization, it’s silencing of debate in search of truth. He did a wonderful job of highlighting the goodness and beauty of the family, thus hitting on truth, but in a way that is more palatable to people of today. I found the LGBTXYZ proponents stunned and unable to voice an argument against goodness and beauty in the truth.

    • I didn’t say there was something wrong with speaking about those things. But he prioritizes it when there is a crisis of faith so severe that souls are undoubtedly in jeopardy.

      And frankly, there are some hysterical claims in Laudato Si. “The Earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.” Really? Come on. I don’t have time to parse it right now. I’ll let other commenters do that if they so choose.

      “He mentioned care for the most vulnerable and concerns over marriage and family, while not seeking to polarize but to end polarization through dialog towards truth also common to humanity.”

      Jesus was polarizing. “He who is not with me is against me”; “I came not to bring peace but the sword”; “Let your yes be yes and your no be no”; He saw good and evil as good and evil, and he preached the difference between the two.

      The world needs that kind of clarity again.

      As for the pope we have? He’s a product of the College of Cardinals, not the first-round draft pick of Our Lord. God’s permissive will certainly plays a role, but the Holy Spirit does NOT choose the pope.

      • Steve,
        I agree that the Holy Spirit doesn’t choose the Pope, but I disagree that it’s solely the College of Cardinals, if that’s what you meant-
        It’s definitely a human and divine thing, and the word “surprise” is definitely not in the Divine vocabulary. The Lord is ever “surprised”.

        I too want clarity and I recently loudly complained to my pastor about 10 feet from the Tabernacle. I was surprised not by what my wimpy pastor said, but from the response I got from the Tabernacle. I kid you not.
        The recent visit from the Pope has highlighted to me two things:
        1. If I want to know what the Pope says I really need to listen or read the entire message, not trusting in any independent source. Knowing the devil as I do, I cannot help but think the the devil is working overtime on everyone to twist what this Pope actually says.
        2. I also think, the clarity is there. We’ve had two excellent clear thinkers and writers. What the world needs now, and I speak outside my area, but what the world needs now is to see goodness and beauty.

        (I’m worried about you man, don’t go off the deep end.)

        • “…I too want clarity and I recently loudly complained to my pastor about 10 feet from the Tabernacle. I was surprised not by what my wimpy pastor said, but from the response I got from the Tabernacle. I kid you not.”

          With all due respect, Thomas, Steve is working off of a thorough understanding of Catholic faith and morals. You, however, seem to be predicating your position on what you “heard” from the Tabernacle after losing your temper and raising your voice inside the Sanctuary.

          1) One doesn’t loudly complain to a priest in the Sanctuary before the Blessed Sacrament. That’s rather letting the Devil get your goat already.

          2) Hearing voices from the Tabernacle is just the kind of thing the Devil could/would use to put you off doing what you should do – opposing wimpy leadership in an appropriate, but firm manner in his office.

          Try looking to the logical instead of the mystical. That way you won’t be misled to do that which you should not, that being rolling over. For what the world needs to see is the Truth. That’s true beauty and goodness, man.

          • I didn’t hear a Voice, I wasn’t in the Sanctuary and I’m very logical; I’m an engineer.
            What I am saying is of faith and reason.
            The lost sheep are turning their heads to see beauty, goodness and Sense that will lead them, to truth.

            (I like being hit over the head, I do, but I’m wise enough to know that not everyone does- ) 🙂

          • You may want to engage said “wisdom” and stick to engineering, Thomas. Not up-voting your own nonsense. Your previous posts poo-pooing Steve’s logic conveyed nothing of what you just wrote. And whereas you think being truthful is hitting folks over the head, in these times of stupid malaise, a good swift thwack is charity.

            Translation: We’ve gone way past worrying over what folks “like” ;^)

  16. Steve, thank you for writing in 350 words (or less : ) what I could only scribble Friday night crying before the Blessed Sacrament. How long LORD, how long?
    Also, can you please publish the link to the outstanding video you did on proper reception of the Eucharist? Cant seem to find it. Many thanks for all you do.

  17. Thanks for your article. I have been considering the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Been studying early church history and the differences. The Pope being sooo weak on the moral issues facing not only America but the world has made me make my decision. I was looking so forward to his trip to the U.S. I’m not mad, but very disappointed. Needless to say I will not become a Roman Catholic. Thanks again for your article.

    • If this is a serious post — forgive me for being cynical, but it sounds like a rhetorical point being made to show me the “danger” of my position — then it’s the wrong takeaway from this article. While I certainly understand the concern (and I share it), there have been 265 popes before this one. We have a deposit of faith and a body of doctrine to fall back on, which is the only reason I have any basis to critique what he is prioritizing in the first place.

      The Orthodox have already abandoned much of the moral ground, particularly with their theological concept of “oikonomia,” which is the basis for the proposals at the Synod that are causing so many problems. They also lack the papal primacy, which the Church dogmatically declared in Unam Sanctam (Pope Boniface VIII) is required for salvation:

      “Indeed we declare, say, pronounce, and define that it is altogether necessary to salvation for every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

      • Sorry for my post. Didn’t realize it was such a hot issue. Just made my decision after almost a year of objective research. If I were a cradle Roman Catholic I would probable understand. I’m a protestant who has been looking for the truth. Thought your article nailed it. Sorry I made my post. Forgive me.

    • Eastern Orthodox?! Puhleeze! The only reason the Eastern Orthodox Church doesn’t have a problem with their supreme authority figure challenging orthodoxy is because they have no supreme authority figure and no orthodoxy!


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