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Meanwhile, Sr. Wilhelmina is Still Incorrupt

While the world has gone crazy over the latest insanity from the Vatican regime of Iconoclasm, and some Catholics are struggling with their faith and tempted to leave the Ark of Salvation (God forbid!), a new teaser trailer has been released for the movie about Sr. Wilhelmina:

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In the rush of news since I got back from my pilgrimage to Sr. Wilhelmina’s relics, I still haven’t released more content on her life and this continued project. But based on her joyful life of holiness, I bet she would laugh in the face of this evil news, as she always did, because her heart was completely focused on the face her Bridegroom.

Sr. Wilhelmina’s life and sanctity show us that whatever happens, the dogma of the indefectability of the Church says that the means of salvation will never be removed from this earth. You can still save your soul and go to heaven, by God’s grace. And in the end, in the midst of crisis in Church and society, that’s the one thing you can do something about. Right. Now.

This sums up the message of my book, When the Gates of Hell Prevail: What Catholics do in Dark Times. When we look to the wisdom of our forefathers, the reason they persevered is because they were focused on ONE THING. And that thing was not the Vatican.

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