Editor’s note: the following is a reprint of information gathered by Gregory DiPippo at New Liturgical Movement, with his gracious permission, in order to give people as many options as possible for livestreamed Masses this Sunday and for the duration of this crisis. Please check NLM for any updates to their list going forward. We encourage readers to add any other streams they know about in the comments, or better yet, send updates to Gregory at the email listed below. The following information is current as of Saturday, March 21st.
by Gregory DePippo
As everyone certainly knows by now, in many, many places around the world, the celebration of public Masses has ceased entirely, or almost entirely, because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Since it is now impossible for so many people to go to Mass, or even to go to a church to pray privately, many churches have begun live-streaming Masses or other liturgical services and prayers. I make bold to encourage as many priests as possible to do this, remembering the words of St Padre Pio (and many other sayings like it from many other Saints), that “the world can live without the sun more easily than it can live without the Mass.” It is important for people to know, when they cannot go to Mass, that it is nevertheless being continuously offered as a propitiatory and efficacious sacrifice for the living and the dead.
It seems like a good idea, therefore, to put together a list of these with appropriate links. Regular live-streams of the Divine Office celebrated in church will also be included. I would ask those who wish to contribute to the list to either leave a note in the combox, or send me an email (gdipippo@newliturgicalmovement.org), with the name of the church, location, and time of the live-streaming, and where to find it (Facebook, YouTube, website etc.). I will update this post as warranted, and periodically change the time of the post so that it moves to the head of the blog for a while. (If readers make a bookmark of the post, the url will not change when it is updated.)
Meanwhile, the FSSP Grenoble, which is currently streaming Masses via Facebook, needs subscribers to get onto YouTube.
Live-Streamed Masses
We start with the FSSP’s LiveMass website, http://www.livemass.net/, which live-streams the Mass daily from 5 different apostolates: Fribourg, Switzerland; Warrington, England; Sarasota, Florida; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Los Angeles, California. The schedules of each individual church are on the website. Update: A reader informs me that the increased comsumes a good deal of bandwidth, which increases the cost of keeping the site functional. Please consider making a donation.
Eastern Rites Update: a reader alerted me to a newly created website, LiveLiturgy.com, a clearing house for links to live-streamed liturgies in the Eastern Rites. The links are grouped into Catholic and Orthodox, European and North American. Many thanks!
Update: A London-based Catholic creative studio called Peter’s House is posting videos daily with priests speaking about the daily Mass readings (OF), offering some spiritual guidance, and leading an act of spiritual communion. Videos will be released at 10:00 (GMT) each day. (The first one, for the feast of St Joseph, featured our own Fr Lawrence Lew.)
Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini (FSSP), Rome, Italy – via their YouTube channel: Mass every day at 6:30 pm local time (1:30 pm EDT)
St Eugene, Paris, France – via their YouTube channel and Facebook page. Mass every weekday at 7:00 pm local time (2:00 pm EDT). Sunday: Mass at 11 am, Vespers at 5:45 pm, Mass again at 7:00 pm.
Chevetogne Abbey (Monastery of the Holy Cross), Belgium – via their Mixlr channel. Services in the Byzantine church in Church Slavonic, French and other languages. Check the schedule daily. Times are European Central. During Lent, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated only on Sunday and Saturday, but the Liturgy of the Presanctified is celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays, and various other Hours (Matins, Vespers, Great Compline etc.) are broadcast every day.
Collegiate Church of St Just, Lyons, France (FSSP) – via their YouTube channel; schedule pending.
Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Užhorod, Ukraine (Greek-Catholic) – via their YouTube channel. (Not sure about the schedule, since I don’t read Ukrainian. On Eastern European standard time, 2 hours ahead of Greenwich, 7 hours ahead of EDT.)
Chapelle Saint Jean-Baptiste, Toulouse, France (ICRSP) – via their Facebook page: schedule pending.
St Roch, Paris, France – via their Facebook page live, daily at 8:30 am local time; reposted afterwards to their YouTube channel.
Heiligenkreuz Abbey, Austria (Cistercians) – two livestreams on their website:
Chapel of St Bernard: Vigils 5:15 am; Lauds, 6 am; Terce and Sext, 12 pm; Vespers, 6 pm; Compline, 7:50 pm. Mass on weekdays at 6:25 am, 11 am, and 5 pm; Sunday at 9:30 am. In addition, the Divine Mercy Rosary is prayed at 3 pm, and the ‘Maurus Blessing’ with a relic of cross especially for the sick. At 8:15 p.m. the rosary will be prayed.
Chapel of St Catherine: Mass every Monday at 6 pm; Tuesday to Saturday at 5 pm, followed by Adoration; Sunday at 5 pm.
Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto, Římov, Czech Republic (FSSP) – via their webpage: Sunday Mass at 10:30 am, Monday to Saturday at 6 pm.
Oratory of St Philip Neri, Birmingham, England – via their YouTube channel: EF at 9 am, OF at 11 am everyday, including Sundays. (GMT)
St Dominic’s Church and Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, London, England – via their Facebook page; Dominican Rite Mass on Sundays at 4:30 pm (GMT)
St John Cantius, Chicago, Illinois (Can. Reg. SJC) – via their webpage and YouTube channel: schedule follows Central Daylight Time.
SUNDAY: 7:30 am, EF Low Mass; 9:00 am, OF Mass (English); 11:00 am, OF Mass (Latin); 12:30 pm, EF High Mass; 2:00 pm, Rosary and Solemn Vespers
WEEKDAYS: 7:00 am, OF Mass with Gregorian Chant; 8:00 am, EF Low Mass; 4:30 pm, Rosary and Vespers; 7:00 pm, Compline; 7:30 pm (Wednesday only), EF Low Mass; 7:30 pm (Friday only) Stations of the Cross
SATURDAY: 4:00 pm, Rosary and Vespers; 5:00 pm, OF Mass (English)
Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Pittsburgh, PA (ICRSP) – via their Facebook page: Monday – Friday, 12 noon; Tuesday, also at 7 pm; Saturday at 9 a.m.; Sunday, Low Mass at 8 a.m., sung Mass at 11 a.m.
Prince of Peace, Taylors, South Carolina – via their Facebook page and YouTube channel; daily Mass at noon local time; Sunday at 11 am (OF) and 12 noon (EF).
St Mary’s, Providence, Rhode Island (FSSP) – via their webpage: Monday-Wednesday, 7:00 am; Thursday, 7:00 am; Friday, 11:00 am & 6:30 pm; Saturday 9:00 am, with the Rosary beforehand; Sunday, 8:00 am with the Rosary beforehand, & 10:00 am.
St Patrick Parish and Oratory, Waterbury, Connecticut, (ICRSP) – via their Facebook page: currently scheduled at 6:30 am daily.
St Patrick, Wilmington, Delaware – via YouTube: schedule not posted.
Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri – via their webpage.
Monday-Saturday: Lauds at 7:15 am, Mass at 11:45 am, Vespers at 5:15 pm
Sunday: Lauds at 7:45 am, Mass at 10:30 am, Vespers at 5:30 pm
On Saturday, March 21, Sunday schedule for the feast of St Benedict.
St Barnabas the Apostle, Fallon, Missouri – via their Facebook page; Saturday at 4:30 pm local time, Sunday at 10 a.m.
Epiphany of Our Lord, St Louis, Missouri – via their Facebook page, no regular schedule.
St Stanislaus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (ICRSP) – via their webpage: Low Mass, Monday-Thursday at 12:00 pm, Friday at 6:30 pm, Saturday at 9:00 am. Sunday, Low Mass with organ at 8:00 am, High Mass at 10:00 am.
Holy Resurrection Monastery, Nazianzen, Wisconsin (Romanian Greek-Catholic) – via their Facebook page: their very full liturgical schedule is available at their webpage.
St Albert Priory, Oakland, California (Dominican Fathers) – via their webpage. Sundays at 9:30 am., incl. Easter: Annunciation: 5:00 pm; April 4th, Dominican Rite, 11:00 am; Holy Thursday and Good Friday, 7:30 pm; Easter Vigil: 8:30 pm (Pacific Daylight Time)
Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory, San José, California, (ICRSP) – via their YouTube channel: Sunday, 10:00 am; Monday- Friday, 12:00 pm; First Saturday, 10:00 am; other Saturdays, 7:30 am.
St Andrew Russian Greek-Catholic Church, El Segundo, California – via their Facebook page: Divine LIturgy on Sunday, March 22, at 10:00 am PDT.