It’s Now or Possibly Never

Last week I sent a message to you and other subscribers about our need for donations, but unfortunately very few of you responded.

I am exceedingly grateful to those of you who did, but because our need is so urgent, I must write to you again. I must also stress how much we depend upon you, the few who understand the real meaning of what we are about here at OnePeterFive.

Here’s one way to describe it:

If you’ve spent time in Europe, you can’t help but notice that the standout features of countries like Italy, Spain and France, Germany and Portugal, Ireland and England, are always the great cathedrals and works of religious art. No matter the faith of the traveler, the tangible glories and beauty of the Faith lift the heart to awe and wonder.

Yet no matter how wondrous the art and architecture, there is always a need for restoration, for after hundreds of years, an aging of materials occurs. With the right materials and proper care and attention, the restorers’ efforts reveal the original beauty of the piece.

This is an apt analogy of what we do here at OnePeterFive. The Church is uniquely beautiful – founded in beauty, grown through the beautiful sacrifice of the martyrs, and sustained in beauty by the gift of the Holy Spirit and the assurances of Christ that He would never abandon His Church.

Yet some varnishes of confusion, bad philosophy, and even worse theology have entered in, and the beauty of the Church, though never gone, has become hidden.

So, each and every week we’re telling the true stories of our Faith. We’re reminding readers of the glories of the Tradition of the Church, the Holy Liturgy, and the timeless prayers and practices of its adherents. When we apply the solvent of truth, which we must do, we do it with care. We are not here to destroy, but to build up, and to restore.

But we cannot do it without you!

We need $60,000 right now, in this, our end-of-year fundraising campaign.

I don’t expect you to give it all. But I assure you, I need a gift from you, today.

Prayerfully consider what you can give, perhaps even $10,000 to host us for a month, or $2,500 for one week. Give whatever you can, whether $25 or $50, $250 or $500.

And let me suggest this – one way to make the most of your gift is to become a monthly donor. This will multiply your gift and help sustain us month in and month out. Just choose that option from the drop-down menu on our secure online donation form.

We absolutely need each and every gift from each and every one of our supporters, or our work here halts and the Church suffers.

You read our original and inspiring content, and you know that OnePeterFive carries out a unique and irreplaceable mission. We need your help to sustain and to grow and to continue bearing fruit.

Please make a generous, tax-deductible gift today.


Sincerely in Christ,


Timothy Flanders
St. Nicholas



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