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“I’ll Get a Show on Bravo”

A mainstay of Internet humor for years, subtitled parodies of the 2004 World War II film drama Downfall have featured a ranting Adolf Hitler touching on every topic du jour under the sun. Today, 1P5 contributor John Zmirak offers his own version — a glimpse into what might be going on behind the scenes today at the Casa Santa Marta.

It’s been a long week. This was a well-earned laugh.

31 thoughts on ““I’ll Get a Show on Bravo””

      • I was making a dead pan joke. It’s funny, unfortunate, but funny.

        Now, as I said, my priestly dignity and that of the papal office requires me to pretend that I didn’t find it amusing, so don’t say I said it was funny, because I just said that I didn’t say that.

        • But you watched it on a Friday. Three Hail Marys for you, Father.

          My friend’s mother (very pre-VII, as all of us were) used to say, “Everything’s a sin.”

          We would all start laughing, and then she’d say, “We’re laughing too much. That’s a sin, too!”

          And Fridays gets you a quarantine.

      • I understand humor, I also have of some knowledge and grasp on history. I will openly admit that Pope Francis scares and discourages me at times, but I will chalk that up to my own faults and lack of faith at times. I am somewhat traditional and think the Church is being assaulted from the inside, but I can find no humor in this video. I have become upset when people have accused my president-elect of being Hitler like. I do not like it when done to the pope even though his pontificate has been horrifying to me. Anything with Hitler is never funny. When I was sixteen I had the opportunity to walk through Dachau. Since that trip I have never found anything humorous in parody like this. If someone does that is fine, I think no less of them, tastes and understanding are different in each person. I just wanted to get another opinion out there on this. I have seen the video posted in several places and ultimately I believe it hurts the faithful not help.

        • Joe, get a grip.
          Be aware that very often in satire of this sort, this (in)famous scene is most useful to illustrate an imagined outburst on the part of the pope in response to being challenged publicly (which should indicate to him something is terribly wrong in the Vatican, uh, in his office) which, in this case, is usefully parallel to the scene in the movie.

          Aren’t you aware of the dozens of different real-time situations in which others have seen similar parallels that inspired them to use the same footage when satirizing them?

          In not one case is anyone truly suggesting the character central to the respective scenario is Hitler-like in attributes, but only broadly similar in his position relative to the other players in the real-time situation.

          Get over yourself; you’re completely overreacting.

          • Phil, I know this video has been used many times. I just expressed an opinion that I didn’t care for it. Having an opinion does not mean I am overreacting. I am just not a fan of this. I made it clear I have no problem with anyone who finds this funny. I am sure I find humor where others dont. My opinion on this video is not an endorsement on the many things that have come out of the Vatican. Pope Francis has been disappointing to me on many levels. As a fan of Cardinal Burke I am horrified at some things PF has done and more horrified by his silence on issues. If you find it humorous and we’ll intended to spotlight issues with Francis, that’s great, I don’t have an issue with that. Telling me to get a grip and get over myself was just an attack at me personally and not debate on the merits of my argument. I do believe I was charitable in giving my opinion. My post was certainly not a defense of PF or an indictment on anyone who found the videO funny. Truly sorry I have offended you or made you angry. I rarely post on stuff and maybe I shouldn’t because I do not want to cause misunderstanding or tension between fellow Catholics (I am assuming you are Catholic).

  1. “I want more tambourines in St. Peter’s!”
    “Maybe he’ll resign. There’s a precedent now…”

    Well, pinch my toes & call me a jelly donut, I haven’t laughed so hard since the hogs ate sister!

  2. It’s “What If? Friday”.

    What if Benedict resigned if only to allow his his successor a way to go away and save face knowing what kind of person would be elected after him and by whom? Almost like setting a gentle trap for the hubris he more than surely saw coming? What if he timed this perfectly? What if?

    • I wish this nightmare really were just part of a “what if” scenario that would all turn out right in the end, but that’s quite unlikely. I’m afraid, in keeping somewhat with the theme of the parody, we may instead be headed for Götterdämmerung.

  3. You could almost have added Hillary to Francis’s list of ‘celebrity’ fans but she’s probably gone a bit cool now on that score since her election defeat.

    It’s debatable though if, at his age and with only one lung, he would be able to go on an extended rant! I can picture him, however, as De Niro/Al Capone in that scene from ‘The Untouchables’ where he strolls round the dining table, admonishing his capi, while brandishing a baseball bat. Don’t forget he apparently once worked as a bouncer…

  4. We have to laugh sometimes if only to break the tension. We are like a family clustered around the radio listening nightly to war news. Then Amos and Andy comes on and all is well.

  5. I thought it was great. Sorry critics, but my Archdiocese just got saddled with Tobin. Letdown after Archbishop Myers goes into retirement. Now Myers was one tough Dude that kept the wolves at bay. He watched over his flock and did the Lord’s work !!! Why does the new appointment of cardinals remind me of the Clinton State Department? The “Fantastic Four” Cardinals just going to have to keep pushing for the sake of the flock.


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