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German Catholic Historian Blocked by Facebook for Comments on Islam

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A few days ago, LifeSiteNews had yet another report on how the big globalist social media companies – Google, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube – are doing all they can to suppress and discourage some of the more conservative media outlets dedicated to spreading truth.

It is in this larger context that we turn our attention to a story from Germany, where Facebook has recently deleted a post by a renowned German Catholic historian and prolific book author. As the Austrian Catholic news website reported on 20 March 2018, Dr. Michael Hesemann – who is known to our readers for his discovery of an important historical 1918 letter concerning the organized Freemasonic plans to destroy throne and altar – was notified by Facebook that his comments on the historic role of Islam in Europe had been deleted, because they do “not correspond to our community standards.” As the Facebook notification continues, they will delete any comment that “attacks persons because of their race, ethnicity, national background, religious orientation, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or physical impairment.”

This is what Hesemann said which Facebook determined to be in violation of its policies:

Islam always plays only one role in the 1700-year-old history of the Christian Occident: the role of the sword of Damocles which hung above us, the threat of barbarism against which one needed to unite and fight. In this sense, Islam is not part of German history, but the defense against Islam!

Dr. Hesemann made this comment in the context of the current discussions in Germany after Horst Seehofer, a newly appointed member of Chancellor Merkel’s new cabinet, insisted on 16 March that “Islam does not belong to Germany” and that Germany has been formatively influenced, rather, by Christianity.

According to, Dr. Hesemann has now been punished by Facebook for his confirmatory comment about this matter, reminding his readers of the fact that there was, in the history of Christianity, a vivid memory of serious mortal confrontations with Islam. Facebook has banned Dr. Hesemann from using his Facebook account for thirty days — a move some users are referring to as “Facebook Jail“. The action taken against Hesemann has already provoked wide attention in Germany.

Dr. Hesemann himself has written an open letter to Facebook, protesting its censuring of his public remarks. In his open letter, he refers to the constitutional right of free speech which is especially protected with regard to academic freedom. He adds “With my being blocked for 30 days (!), Facebook has violated, to my own chagrin, my right to free speech and I consider taking legal steps against it.” Dr. Hesemann, who received his Ph.D in history and teaches in this academic field at a Catholic academy, “immediately commented” upon Seehofer’s own comments which at the time had been contradicted by Chancellor Merkel herself. In giving proof for his claim that Islam has been always a threat to Christianity, he refers to the case of the time of Charles Martell (732), that of the Crusades (1096-1294), as well as the Holy League and the Ottoman Wars (16th and 17th century).

Dr. Hesemann continues by saying: “Islam, with its brutal intimidation techniques, let alone with the idea to spread a religion with the help of the sword in the first place, has been understood in Europe generally as barbarism.” “When you look at [Martin] Luther’s Sermons on the Turks, for example, it becomes clear how true my claim is,” he adds. Dr. Hesemann then shows how the defense against Islam has mainly contributed to the unification of Europe and to its own specific identity. “This is an incontestable historical fact, even if you [Facebook] might see it as not ‘politically correct.’”

Dr. Hesemann also refutes the insinuation that he had attacked “persons” because of their religious affiliation. “This is explicitly not the case,” he says. He was explicitly speaking about the past, and not about “the present or living persons.” “The only person who was indirectly concerned is Horst Seehofer whom I did not attack but whom I supported,” Hesemann adds. The German historian reminds Facebook that a substantial critique of a religion is not the same as a personal attack, something which applies to his own Catholic Faith, as well. Dr. Hesemann ends his open letter to Facebook with these words:

Thus I would like to urge and ask you to continue to stand on the foundation of the German Constitution and to omit a censorship which excludes the author of a plain historical analysis for thirty days from his social life and from any communication with his circle of friends.

As Dr. Hesemann informed Onepeterfive, Facebook has not yet responded to his open letter.

Dr. Hesemann has shown courage in the past by researching and writing about the history of the genocide of the Armenians committed by the Turks at the beginning of the 20th century. With the help of some 3,000 historical documents from the Vatican archives which he discovered, Hesemann was able to give further evidence about this historical event. In gratitude for his work, he received an honorary doctorate from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Dr. Hesemann has written 41 books which have been translated into 16 languages.

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