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Free Online Conference Will Expose Population Control Enthusiasts Operating Within the Church

Catholics:  Is This Who We Are? Ehrlich

Catholic experts from around the world are preparing to deliver a major blow to the population control enthusiasts who’ve found their way into prominent posts in the Vatican.  From October 17-19, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Fr. Shenan Boquet, Steven Mosher, Riccardo Cascioli, Ettore Tedeschi, John Henry Westen and many others will be joined by thousands of participants in this first-of-its-kind, online event.  Registration for the event is completely free at

For several years now, faithful Catholics have become increasingly concerned about the growing presence of population control enthusiasts being given positions of prominence at Vatican events.  For instance, in May of 2014, just months after Pope Francis announced his intention to publish an encyclical on “human ecology,” the UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund) reported that Pope Francis “committed the Catholic Church to support the SDG [Sustainable Development Goal] efforts.”

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is nothing short of a population control program, thinly disguised as a poverty-reduction program.  Goal Three of the Sustainable Development Goals claims to seek “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.”  However, one of the objectives listed for achieving this goal is, “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, infonnation (sic) and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.”

Goal five is even worse.  The stated goal is to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” and the last listed objective under this goal is to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action.”

One of the main architects of the SGDs is prominent population control promoter, Jeffrey Sachs.  Sachs, who has maintained a steady presence in the Vatican over the past 4 years, has written several books promoting population control, saying things like, “In countries with legal abortion services, households have a lower-risk and lower-cost option.” Sachs even claimed that “Legalization of abortion reduces a country’s [total fertility rate] significantly … and also reduces maternal mortality.” In fact, prior to the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Sachs was the head of the Millennium Project, where he was responsible for the publication of a document titled, “Access to Safe Abortion: An Essential Strategy for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals to Improve Maternal Health, Promote Gender Equality, and Reduce Poverty.”

Jeffrey Sachs and his anti-population and grossly anti-Catholic agenda will be discussed on Day 2 (October 18) of the International Conference on Population Control by Riccardo Cascioli, Director, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana.

Of course, one can’t mention Jeffrey Sachs without also discussing his primary financier, George Soros.  A 2007 article by Vanity Fair explains:

One of Sachs’s biggest supporters is the financier and philanthropist George Soros, who recently donated $50 million to the Millennium Villages Project. (The project is a partnership among the U.N., Columbia, and Sachs’s own nonprofit organization, Millennium Promise.) According to Soros, whose foundation gives away between $350 million and $400 million a year, investing in Sachs offered an attractive “risk-reward ratio.” “Even though it’s a large amount of money, $50 million, I thought there was really little downside,” Soros told me. “As a humanitarian action, it was a good investment on its own But if it succeeded, then of course you would get a reward that would be way out of proportion to the investment made.”

Soros’ connections to many other prominent figures who have moved their sphere of influence into the Vatican’s outer walls will be discussed, also on Day 2 of the conference by child advocacy attorney, Elizabeth Yore.

Other topics for the conference include the following:

  • “The Shake-Up and Breakdown of the Pontifical Academy for Life” by Judie Brown, president of American Life League
  • “Environmentalism and Climate Change as an Avenue for Population Control” by Steven Mosher, president of Population Research Institute
  • “Changing the Catholic Climate at the Pontifical Academy for Science” by Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, former president of the Vatican Bank
  • “Population Control in Africa and Asia: Blueprints for the World” by Fr. Shenan Boquet & Brian Clowes, of Human Life International
  • “Foreign Aid as the Engine Behind Population Control – USAID, Gates Foundation, and International Catholic Aid Corruption” by Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute
  • “United Nations and Its Agencies of Population Control: UNFPA, UNDP, UNDG, and Development of Policy” by Dr. Philip Njemanze, Medical Doctor, Clinician and Researcher
  • “Population Control in South America” by Raymond de Souza, president of Sacred Heart Institute
  • “Tracing the Teaching of JPII and Francis on Population Control” by John Henry Westen, Editor in Chief of LifeSiteNews.Com
  • “What Is Population Control, Who Are Its Proponents, and How Does It Hide in Lofty-Sounding Programs?” by Brian Clowes, Director of Research at Human Life International
  • “Christian Life and Martyrdom” by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

The conference is broadcast online, so anyone with an internet connection can participate, and most importantly, it’s free to attend.  This is an event you don’t want to miss.  Be sure to register your spot at

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