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Catholic Relief Services VP in “Gay Marriage”

Image courtesy of the Lepanto Institute.

The hits just keep coming for Catholic Relief Services, the “international relief and development agency of the Catholic community in the United States” which was founded by the US Catholic Bishops. Recently CRS was exposed for having helped implement a graphic sex-ed program called My Changing Body. Today, new revelations show a troubling situation within the organization’s leadership. From the Lepanto Institute:

Public records obtained  from the Clerk of Circuit Court for the City of Baltimore, Maryland show that Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Vice-President of Overseas Finance is in a same-sex “marriage.”  His postings on facebook also indicate that he actively and publicly supports  same-sex “marriage.”

According to Linkedin, Rick Estridgeis Vice-President of Overseas Finance at Catholic Relief Services.  In his online profile, Estridge states his duties at CRS as follows:

“As Vice President of Overseas Finance, I lead the development and implementation of all overseas financial management systems, policies, processes and activities to ensure strong resource stewardship, operational efficiency, consistent financial performance, risk mitigation, and exceptional financial management across all overseas operations. I also act as the lead Finance representative of the Agency to all donors, partners and other stakeholders related to overseas financial reporting, and contract/agreement, policy and compliance matters related to overseas financial management.”


The Lepanto Institute applied for Estridge’s public marriage record from the City of Baltimore.  A link to the document as it arrived in the mail can be viewed by clicking here.  Below is a section of the marriage record, with key areas highlighted.

It may be coincidence, but it is worth nothing that Estridge entered into his same-sex “marriage” the same month he was promoted to a vice-presidential position at CRS.


In addition to being in a same-sex “marriage,” Estridge has clearly advocated for same-sex “marriage” on his facebook page.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of these stories. I don’t want to cover them. I don’t want them to exist. We have to demand better.

It’s becoming so commonplace to see abuses in these official institutions of the Church that it’s not even shocking anymore. Maybe that’s the point.

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