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Sacred Scripture

limited inerrancy unravel

Unraveling Scripture: Dei Verbum and ‘Limited Inerrancy’

St. Pius X says that “amongst the chief points of [Modernist] teaching” is the “intrinsic evolution of dogma”—that the faith must evolve and become something of a different substance, conforming to the modern world [1]. If this is the central error, it depends upon foundational principles that are false. One of these foundational principles is…

How the New Lectionary Treats (or Doesn’t) the Antichrist

The traditional Catholic lectionary — dating back to the first millennium of Christianity and, since the Middle Ages, included in the contents of the altar missal itself — includes far fewer readings than the revised (postconciliar) lectionary used for the Novus Ordo Mass. However, this is not a strike against the former, since the lectionary,…

On the Bride of Christ as Bride: Why the Church Has No Room for “Christian Feminism”

Like oil and water, Christianity and feminism are quite simply immiscible. When left to their own devices, the two antagonists repel one another, and when forced to coexist within a system, they stubbornly float in perpetual heterogeneous opposition. Christendom is inextricably predicated upon a foundation of patriarchal governance laid by God’s own hand, whereas feminism’s…

Summer School in Wisconsin: Traditional Theology, Traditional Liturgy

Summer Theology Program 2019 St. Thomas’ Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians August 12–16 in Wausau, Wisconsin Hosted by the St. Albert the Great Center for Scholastic Studies, in collaboration with The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine, and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The annual…

A Crisis of Meaning: Sacred Scripture & the Rise of Modernism (Pt. II)

Part I | Part II Gregory XVI was the first of the modern Popes to address the central role of biblical studies in the advance of the Modernist heresy within the Church. In his 1844 encyclical Inter Praecipuas, Pope Gregory explains that the enemies of the Church actively promote the publication and dissemination of vernacular…

The Inspiration and Inerrancy of Sacred Scripture

The rise of liberal Protestantism and its later Catholic equivalent, Modernism, sowed many seeds of doubt in the minds of Christians about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. If ‘error’ is defined as a false assertion, it is not uncommon to find Catholic teachers today who nonchalantly maintain that Scripture contains plenty of errors.…

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