Eucharistic Congress: Will there Be Revival?
“I do not like your Church. You have nothing to offer.”
“I do not like your Church. You have nothing to offer.”
The event itself has roots in the traditional world.
Even if 100% of Catholics believed in the Real Presence, a National Eucharistic Congress would still be necessary.
If you have ever shown up early to church and found yourself quietly paging through your hand missal—let’s say, a Saint Andrew Daily Missal reprint from 1945—you might have stumbled across a section of Mass formularies that may be unfamiliar owing to the rarity of their use. Some of these will be identified as Votive…
In view of the horrible maltreatments of Our Eucharistic Lord. no true Catholic bishop, priest or lay faithful can remain indifferent and simply stand by and watch.
The poison of Jansenism, however, which, under the pretext of showing due honor and reverence to the Eucharist, had infected the minds even of good men, was by no means a thing of the past.
From the sermons of St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustine.