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The Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation

The Removal of Tabernacles and the Desacrificialization of the Mass

Photo: Saint-François de Molitor, Paris, France.   Why was the tabernacle removed from the high altar or kept away from the center of so many churches during the past fifty years? There are many reasons one could give for this decentering of our Lord Jesus Christ in the miracle of His abiding Eucharistic Presence among us,…

Deacon Asks: How Many Priests Have Lost Their Faith?

The Pity and the Pretense   “Fidelity, fidelity, fidelity!” –Father Richard John Neuhaus (1936-2009) Father Frank Fourberie (fictitious) is fifty-eight years old. He has been a priest for thirty years, and he is now pastor of a large urban church in a major American city. Father Fourberie is a generally kind, thoughtful, and generous man.…

Paganized Theology and the Most Holy Sacrament

Today’s distorted theology, rooted in Modernism, the heresy of all heresies according to Pius X, is primarily an inductive theology. It does not proceed from deducing truths from the principles given us from above, from Divine Revelation, as traditional theology has always been done.  This “theology” stems from a reflection upon the praxis of man’s…

Do Something About Liturgical Abuse, the Latin Mass: Join the New Crusade!

This crusade was called by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider in June of 2020 in response to the profanations of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during the COVID crisis. Now he has also added the intention of the reversal of Traditionis Custodes. A crusade is a spiritual battle called by the clergy, but waged primarily…

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