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Pope Francis Departs from Church Teaching in New Exhortation

Pope Francis has just published his long-awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the Family, Amoris Laetitia. In it, he repeats many of the problematic and controversial statements of the previous 2014 and 2015 Synods of Bishops on the Family. Among these, one finds the law of gradualism with regard to sinful relationships, the claim that there are “seeds”…

Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. II)

Part I | Part II The fundamental problem with Praise & Worship  In the first part of this essay, I offered a critique of the profane stylistic traits of Praise & Worship music, whether “soft” or “hard.”[1] Praise & Worship music is not suitable for liturgical use. Its style reinforces a false conception of the…

Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. I)

Part I | Part II Whenever the popes speak about sacred (i.e., liturgical) music, the very first quality they put forward is holiness or sanctity, which they describe as a certain worthiness of or suitability for the celebration of the sacred mysteries of Christ, and freedom from worldliness or even that which is suggestive of…

Kasper’s Delight: Wargaming the Exhortation

Cardinal Walter Kasper — the most infamous member of the German episcopacy — appears to be just tingly with anticipation for the coming apostolic exhortation on marriage and family. Ed Pentin reports (with my emphasis): According to the Italian newspaper Il Terreno, the German theologian told an audience in the Italian city of Lucca on Monday evening that in a “few…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. III

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In Part 1 of this series, we explored how, in a parish committed to the full Catholic paradigm, even something as simple as entering the church can become an exercise in multi-sensory learning, and therefore a highly effective means to help the people become recollected before Mass. In…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. II

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 How Does the Complete Mass Build Motivated Focus? How Does the Minimal Mass Induce Blur? Motivated vs. Coerced Focus In order to clarify the reasons why the “complete Mass”[1] is highly beneficial to the people, but the “minimal Mass”[2] is much less so, it will be helpful…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. I

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 How Does Multi-sensory Learning Theory Help Us Understand the Difference Between a “Complete” Mass and a “Minimal” Mass? Reasoning by analogy can open up new and helpful ways of thinking.  The Holy Mass may be viewed as a school for souls, an instructional method, similar to the methods skillful…

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