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Saltem Diebus Dominicis: 1st Passion Sunday – “From a sudden and unprovided death, spare us O Lord!”

We lose things during Lent.  We are being pruned through sacred liturgical worship. Holy Church experiences liturgical death before the feast of the Resurrection.   Music and flowers go first on Ash Wednesday, along with the word Alleluia.  Today, statues and images are draped in purple.  That is why today is sometimes called Repus Sunday, from…

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: You can’t be surprised by Lent

Our coming Sunday is already Septuagesima.  Let’s do the technical stuff first. Septuagesima slides around from year to year because Easter slides around because the Moon is a bit of a calendrical coquette, or as Juliet calls her, “inconstant”.  Easter is early this year, 31 March.  We celebrate Easter in the Western Churches on the…

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