Information and Deformation
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper."
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper."
These poor heretics are fighting against Almighty God.
Even if 100% of Catholics believed in the Real Presence, a National Eucharistic Congress would still be necessary.
France finds itself at the vanguard of a pan-European shift toward center-right and right-wing parties.
"An attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass."
All three new doctrine chiefs have made statements of surrender to the "gay lobby."
I am a Roman from Trastevere, we are used to listening to quite colorful language in our working class area.
"The God of the Old Testament was pretty particular about how he wanted to be worshiped."
In our neo-Modernist milieu, it becomes even more urgent for the Church to downgrade the supernatural.