The Synesthesia of Renaissance Art
This connection between music and painting underscores the importance of synesthesia in Renaissance art.
Forgotten Customs of St. John the Baptist
The Nativity of St John, like that of Our Lord, was celebrated by three Masses.
A Jewish Sacred Music Composer
His music is distinguished by an eclectic fusion of diverse cultural influences.
Who was Pope Benedict XIII?
Another noteworthy initiative was the restoration of the Stabat Mater in the liturgy.
The Art of Dress –Elegance versus Beauty
A religious sister once encouraged me, “It’s not difficult to form a sub-culture."
Roman Music Under Innocent X
Pope Innocent X was a devout man, eager for justice, but also distrustful, indecisive, and too attached to his family.
Pius XIV: the Smoke of Satan & the Man of God
Habemus Papam contains all of this, embodied in Pope Pius XIV.
Pope John XIX and the History of Music
With Guido’s method, the association between the syllables (Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La) and the intonation of the individual sounds remains firmly impressed in memory.