The SSPX, Parish Orphans and Trad Infighting
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said he believes that Archbishop Lefebvre will one day be declared a Doctor of the Church. I don’t think I’ll be here to see it, but I hope he’s right.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said he believes that Archbishop Lefebvre will one day be declared a Doctor of the Church. I don’t think I’ll be here to see it, but I hope he’s right.
A blessed Octave of Corpus Christi! Since the leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs Case, lots of people are talking about abortion, and Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is taking a lot of direct hits from people who are angry at we who love Him. The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) final decision on abortion may…
I am reading through a letter issued recently by my bishop. Before I say anything further, I must point out that he was consecrated as bishop just last June. However, given the frequent mention of masks and hand sanitizer, the letter tells me he is already quite familiar with the ways and workings of modern…
Currently in my country we are undergoing a sort of uprising or rebellion, and the vehicle for this movement – pun intended – is the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers. This convoy has taken it upon themselves to occupy the heart of the nation’s capital in an attempt to force the hand of Trudeau’s regime…
Rhythm has always conveyed steadiness, familiarity. Rhythm is our primordial sense of pattern, our recognition of repeatability. Rhythm expresses personal and cultural attachment to what gives security. Rhythm brings us the hidden wonder of both constancy and expectancy. Like the beating of one’s heart. To break rhythm – say, in dance, in an ensemble, an…
Editor’s note: we welcome all submissions which seek to rationally analyze the COVID crisis and find a way to resist the Marxists. Please see the recently founded Holy Faith Foundation which helps Catholics financially who are resisting the mandate and suffering a loss of income. “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.” (John…
Much ink has been spilled over the topic of lockdowns and the coronavirus, and the past 19 months have been some of the strangest in recent history. This time has been extremely difficult for many, especially for those who have had their business shuttered by unjust and indefinite closures and restrictions. In addition, the continual…
Conscience is a law of the mind – St. Augustine An Interview with His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider OnePeterFive: Your Excellency thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. I just have a few questions. First of all, why are you exercising your pastoral solicitude in this manner of exemptions? Bishop Athanasius…