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Two Saints at the Start of Advent: Bibiana and Francis Xavier

In the traditional calendar, December 2 is the feast of St. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr. Having been imprisoned for her faith, she refused the sexual advances of her jailer, and was beaten to death with lead-loaded thongs. The Collect for her feast is magnificent: Deus, omnium largitor bonorum, qui in famula tua Bibiana cum virginitatis…

The Benedictine Victims of Warsaw: Martyrs of Charity on August 31, 1944

The following true story, written by the nuns of the same monastery (rebuilt after the War), has until now been known almost exclusively in Poland. Thanks to an anonymous monk’s translation, it can now be shared with an English-speaking readership. It concerns the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration in Warsaw, who gave their lives explicitly for…

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