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Religious Life

Norcia Monk to Catholics: On Prayer and Fasting, Don’t Be a Baby

Editor’s note: Julian Kwasniewski conducted this interview with Fr. Cassian Folsom, OSB of the Benedictines of Norcia at the Sacred Liturgy Conference in Salem, Oregon, June 27-30, 2018. Julian Kwasniewski: In his Holy Rule, St. Benedict tells the monks to put the liturgy before all else. According to tradition, St. Benedict died just having received…

Germany’s Cdl. Marx Making Himself the Enemy of Monasteries, Nuns

Peter Seewald, the German journalist who published several books with Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, has recently been writing reports on the closing down of monasteries in the Diocese of Freising-Munich, always against the reverent will of the nuns in those monasteries. In April of 2018, OnePeterFive mentioned the case of Altomünster, a thousand-year-old abbey in…

Vatican Specialists: An Attack on Celibacy is Next

Considering the upcoming 2018 Youth Synod, as well as the 2019 Pan-Amazonian Synod, we may now learn more from two Vatican specialists who predict that the real theme of these synods will be priestly celibacy, and its step-by-step process of attenuation. The two journalists – Edward Pentin and Julius Müller-Meiningen – have quite different backgrounds,…

‘I discovered the beauty of the Roman Rite’: An Interview with Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB

This interview was conducted in person during a retreat given by Fr. Cassian in Chicago for American oblates of the Benedictine monastery in Norcia. Fr. Cassian graciously allowed the author to publish a transcript of the interview. Julian Kwasniewski: Did you want to become a monk at a young age? Fr. Cassian: Well, not exactly.…

The Data on the Death of Religious Orders: How Does Your Favorite Measure Up?

Editor’s note: The following comes from Jack P. Oostveen, emeritus assistant professor of soil mechanics and foundation engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and David L. Sonnier, associate professor of computer science and director of international studies program, Lyon College. Introduction Now that over fifty years have passed since the conclusion of the Second…

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