Archive for

Catholic Traditions

bishop robert barron

Bishop Barron and the ‘Unhappy’ Renewal of the ‘Trad’ Movement

In recent comments, His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron discussed the post-conciliar period and addressed the various historical movements before and after the Second Vatican Council. He makes reference to the “unhappy” renewal of the “trad” movement and heavily criticizes what he calls “pre-conciliar conservatism.” I do not wish to criticize the bishop here, but rather…

Not Authorized: The Untold Story of the Death of the Old Mass

Introduction: A Time of Confusion Although it is now frequently claimed that the traditional Latin Mass (TLM) was never abrogated (totally abolished) following the Second Vatican Council, this position is squarely at odds not only with the lived experience of several generations of Catholics, but with the rapid and near total disappearance of the TLM…

Do We Appreciate the Church’s Greatest Sacramentals?

OnePeterFive is pleased to share the following homily from a priest of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest. Canon Francis Altiere, ICRSS is rector of Old Saint Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri. This homily was first preached on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost in 2018; it has been slightly modified for publication.…

Two Hundred Years of Strangulation: Reviving Form in a Formless Age

Death, Memory, and Oblivion Toward the midpoint of his 1,000-page Aesthetics, Dietrich von Hildebrand describes the death of culture in violent terms: [U]ntil the beginning of the nineteenth century and the triumph of the machine, culture had not yet been strangled by civilization. The expression of the spirit, the gift of giving form … penetrated…

Dynamic Ukelele: An Examination of ‘Living Tradition’

In a recent interview with America magazine, Archbishop Rino Fisichella praised the “dynamic nature” of sacred Tradition. Such Tradition, he maintained, is “first and foremost living.” We must not view Tradition as hidebound, the archbishop implied, because denying the “dynamic nature of tradition is tantamount to denying the contemporaneity of the Christian faith.” Here I…

The Splendor of the Corpus Christi Procession in Spain

Spain is blessed with a deep Catholic soul. Yes, despite the gradual apostasy of Western civilization. Yes, even despite the unhappy post–Vatican II “reforms.” And yes, despite even the ever accelerating and ever deepening quagmire in which the Church finds herself of late. The Archdioceses of Toledo (Castilla–La Mancha) and Valencia are especially renowned in…

Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days

Editor’s note: This sermon was preached by Canon Aaron Huberfeld, ICRSS, at St. Mary’s Oratory in Wausau, Wisconsin, on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, September 16, 2018. Remember not, O Lord, our transgressions, nor those of our fathers, and take not vengeance upon our sins. Taken from the book of Tobit (3:3), this verse is the antiphon…

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