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Cardinal Maradiaga: The Vatican’s Silliest Villain

If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. – Sun Tzu, Art of War

I keep trying to think of a movie scene to illustrate my point, but I’m grasping at straws. It’s such a common theme – the underdog who manages to keep prevailing despite all odds, the superior foe shaking a clenched fist and issuing a spittle-flecked tirade of incredulity, the unmasking of the villain who would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids.

If it sounds absurd, it is. As I said a couple of weeks ago:

I was referring, of course, to Cardinal Mariadiaga’s very public and even more petty scolding of Cardinal Burke. From the Crux story cited in my tweet:

American Cardinal Raymond Burke was recently dismissed as a “disappointed man” upset over the loss of his power by fellow Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras, coordinator of Pope Francis’s “C9” council of cardinal advisers.


In the new interview, Maradiaga comes out swinging.

“That cardinal who sustains this,” Maradiaga said, referring to the criticism of Amoris, “is a disappointed man, in that he wanted power and lost it. He thought he was the maximum authority in the United States.

“He’s not the magisterium,” Maradiaga said, referring to the authority to issue official teaching. “The Holy Father is the magisterium, and he’s the one who teaches the whole Church. This other [person] speaks only his own thoughts, which don’t merit further comment.

“They are the words,” Maradiaga said, “of a poor man.”

Maradiaga also criticized conservative schools of thought in Catholicism, of which Burke is often seen as a symbol.

“These currents of the Catholic right are persons who seek power and not the truth, and the truth is one,” he said. “If they claim to find some ‘heresy’ in the words of Francis, they’re making a big mistake, because they’re thinking only like men and not as the Lord wants.

“What sense does it have to publish writings against the pope, which don’t damage him but ordinary people? What does a right-wing closed on certain points accomplish? Nothing!

“Ordinary people are with the pope, this is completely clear,” Maradiaga said. “I see that everywhere.

“Those who are proud, arrogant, who believe they have a superior intellect … poor people! Pride is also a form of poverty,” he said.

“The greatest problem, however, is the disorientation that’s created among people when they read affirmations of bishops and cardinals against the Holy Father,” he said.

Maradiaga called his fellow cardinals to loyalty.

“I think that one of the qualities we cardinals [should have] is loyalty,” he said. “Even if we don’t all think the same way, we still have to be loyal to Peter.”

Whoever doesn’t offer that loyalty, he said, “is just seeking attention.”

Sounds like someone’s feeling a little sensitive.

This is why Maradiaga is seen by pretty much everyone outside the inner circle of papal henchmen C9 as a cruel joke. He’s a hothead, an unapologetic Modernist, an advocate for irreversible Church “reform“, quite likely a Communist sympathizer, and by all appearances a comically scornful man. This isn’t the first time he’s lashed out at his ecclesiastical opponents in a public forum.

I’d think that would make him more of a liability than an asset, but with colleagues like Cardinals Marx and Kasper, this isn’t exactly the enemy’s A-game we’re facing. It’s taken them over half a century to set up this hive of scum and villainy inside the apostolic see, and the key players have all been damaged by the intoxicating effects of their errors. They may have the devil’s own luck, but they don’t have God’s blessing. And in religious affairs, that’s kind of a big deal.

On the same topic, Fred Martinez, one of our readers and the blogger at Catholic Monitorpassed along this tidbit. It’s simply too encouraging not to share:

A Vatican expert who has met Pope Francis told me:

“There’s an old saying: the the louder they scream, the scare-der they are. This applies to Oscar the Grouch.”

“Maradiaga’s unprovoked, caustic, low blow at Burke is simply bizarre, but it signals to me that they are losing their popularity. Oscar’s rant signals desperation. He senses the wind is shifting away from the merciful Pope.”

“The fact that Burke is still around, gaining traction and the voice of the Resistance is infuriating them.”

According to the source who wishes to remain anonymous, “Francis is very thin skinned.” The “series of Resistance conferences in Rome’s steps” and the “band of bloggers” is getting “under his skin.”

The Vatican expert’s advice to the Resistance and the band of bloggers:

“Keep the heat on.”


It’s interesting to think that Cardinal Richelieu may no longer have the distinction of being history’s most notoriously devious and power hungry member of the curia. If Maradiaga’s clumsy outbursts are any indication, however, Richelieu is in no danger of being unseated in terms of competence and accomplishment.

As for keeping the heat on: you’d better believe it.

124 thoughts on “Cardinal Maradiaga: The Vatican’s Silliest Villain”

  1. Who made him a cardinal? Hmmm… let’s see…

    Ooop! Jay Pee Too We Wuv Yoo!!

    And thanks for all the fish..

    • Can’t deny it. He owns it. And so do we who held him dear did not raise our voice because we denied reality and hoped we were on a footing to get things back on track.
      We were deluded.
      Never shut up again.

      • Can we be a little more charitable…St. John Paul II, was a very sick man for probably the last 10 years of his pontificate. He was co-opted by the hidden liberals VII type members of the Curia and was led to appoint a lot of heterodox shepherds…. eg. his worst appointment Jorge Bergoglio made Cardinal in 1997…but he is also the pope who issue many encyclicals who defended NOT confused Catholic teachings and supported the return to traditional worship

        • Rest assured there is no lack of respect or veneration for St. John Paul here. There a lack of respect and charity in the persistence in denial of what has transpired and what is transpiring.
          John Paul was not an infirmed old fool. He was a gifted, strong and vital man even in his infirmity. Dolling out the koochy-koo nonsense demeans him and settles us ever further into the ecclesial sandbox.
          Infantilism is no substitute for clear sightedness.

          • so Hilary’s comment shows a lot of respect and veneration “Ooop! Jay Pee Too We Wuv Yoo!!”

          • My defense was in regard to my comment, Eugene. But to be quite honest, while Hilary can be more than blunt, her comportment often serves as a bold corrective to the delusional musings of those who are bent on defending the grossly deficient and boldly aberrant functioning of a hierarchy that is determined to reproduce itself in its scandalous inadequacy.
            One really has to wonder as to the religious ascent and common sense of these many of these men.
            Pope John Paul’s gifts did not exempt him from frequent appalling episcopal appointments. It was no secret at the time but it was overlooked due to our respect for him and his office.
            That was a mistake as is frighteningly apparent today.
            John Paul was fully aware of Bergoglio’s resume. A chemistry teacher as I recall – high school. Then he got involved in the formation of candidates for the Jesuits and caused no small number of problems.
            He was not well liked and was a cause of division in the order in Argentina which had been in a relatively healthy state until he came along.
            It widely known that when Bergoglio was being considered for Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Father Kolvenbach (then Jesuit Superior General) told Pope John Paul that Bergoglio was emotionally unstable and temperamentally unreliable. This same insight into Pope Francis comportment was offered by an Argentinian bishop whose name escapes me at the announcement Bergoglio’s election to the papacy in 2013. Apparently Pope John Paul disregarded Kolvenbach’s warning
            believing left wing Jesuits were unsympathetic to Bergoglio because he was not sympathetic to Liberation Theology (how things change). In 1988 Kolvenbach shunned Bergoglio, sent him into “exile” to Cordova [Argentina] and sent those sympathetic to him to Europe.
            And here we are today. Run over to and get a look at Francis’ appointment of Fr. William Wack as bishop of
            Pensacola-Tallahasse, Florida.

          • Surely. And those cardinals were bishops appointed by Pope John Paul. And it leaves us with a question that is even greater — thirty-five yeas between John Paul and Benedict … and this is what we have on our hands?

          • James I made some of the same points also and agree with most of what you write. BUT we are supposed to be on an orthodox Catholic website so why does Hilary have to get down in the gutter with liberal “catholics” and use language that is offensive…are we not supposed to be above that and be an example towards others…using the word “Pee” to spell the name of a saint is offensive

          • Eugene, ask her. I’m only responsible for what comes off my keyboard. I understand your sensitivity — and share it somewhat. But sometimes its just best to let somethings go by [not always!].
            Hilary reminds me of myself decades back. I understand her frustration. Her critique is strong, bold, not always polite — but she brings a raking light to historical circumstances that need to be exposed.
            Far worse than anything Hilary has said are the are the most scandalous set of circumstances presently in place and upheld by irresponsible ecclesiastics. ALL of them need be held accountable. The living and the dead. This nonsense can not be justified any more.
            God reward you!

          • Yes, a “saint” who was named such without the rigors of the normal, traditional process and under, if I’m not mistaken, Francis’ watch. I was enthused with JPII until he had that ecumenical (and heretical — because it violates the First Commandment) prayer gathering in Assisi.

        • JPII WAS a hidden liberal — who were not so hidden. Witness what they did with the council and all the destruction they’ve wrought since culminating in the finak big push with Francis and C9. I often wonder if he was inspired to take the name because his mission was like that of the ooor man of Assisi or because he resembles a so-named mule from movies of years past.

        • Respect and venerate the Office and every validly elected Pope; who reigns in an august line of other men. Respect one, respect them all.

          I Sam 24: 4-7

        • Nope you are in error when you state JPII supported the return to traditional worship. It actually was holy father Benedict XVI

        • A saint who protected the depraved founder of the Legionaries of Christ despite deacdes of reports on evil nature. And who did nothing about German bishops certifying abortions, apart from some disapproving words. Interesting…..

      • Hilary is making a great point about those who can’t see through JP2’s charisma to recognize his lack of substance. It is similar to those who use the term Fatimaniac to shine a light on those too emotionally invested in Fatima.

        • I would never accuse John Paul of a lack of substance. I’d say his theological reflection was rich indeed. However his lack of interest in the managing the ecclesiastical apparatus was a grievous flaw. One might even say scandalous.
          One could go further and chastise his drive to salvage the council and rescue it from the distortions foisted upon it in its aftermath. Certainly his ecumenical focus was “at least flawed.” That said, many are no longer able to give the conciliar enterprise any deference at all. Increasingly, despite our hopes and best efforts, it appears to have been a poisoned apple from the start – at least since the hijacking of October 13, 1962 – frighteningly, perhaps even before.
          The rose colored glasses need be trashed.
          We got a mess on our hands that stretches back at least fifty-seven years.
          There ain’t enough rationalization on my roll of towels to clean it up.

          • Beautifully put. I am struggling with conflicting impressions of St. John Paul II and your comments have given me a lot to consider. Thank you and may God bless you.

          • I would never accuse John Paul of a lack of substance. I’d say his theological reflection was rich indeed.

            An example of why you believe this would be helpful. It is easy to grant verbose frequently, turgid at times, but those rarely correlate with rich.

          • Theology of the Body Is a great example of convoluted and opaque thinking that really doesn’t boil down to much. George Weigel tries to obscure this by claiming it is a “theological time bomb” set to go off in the 21st century, but it’s worth asking if this is an emperor’s new clothes situation.

            A recent article on First Things might provide some perspective .

  2. What is it with these southpaws and their weird outbursts? Tom Rosica was into screeching like a demon at random intervals against people he didn’t like too. And we’ve all heard the hilarious stories of Pope Francis flying into his epic apoplectic rages, of the Swiss Guard being called in to clear the room so no one has to see it…

    V. odd.

      • I found your statement intriguing so I looked it up

        Rosica = gnawer

        verb (used with object), gnawed, gnawed or gnawn, gnawing.

        1. to bite or chew on, especially persistently.

        2. to wear away or remove by persistent biting or nibbling. form or make by so doing:
        to gnaw a hole through the wall.

        4. to waste or wear away; corrode; erode.

        5. to trouble or torment by constant annoyance, worry, etc.; vex; plague.

      • Was going to say I bet it means “rash” but then I glanced below and saw “gnawer.” Oh dear. Oh double dear.

        And then your very funny comment “Nomen omen”
        Love the wit and intelligence of the 1P5 bloggers!!

  3. bahaha this is excellent. However, you must apologize for getting the quote wrong: Properly it is a “WRETCHED hive of scum and villainy”.



    The beginning of Wisdom
    Is Fear of the Lord
    But since Vatican II
    I’ve seen no accord.

    Prelates for decades,
    Seen the world more than twice
    But what have they learned
    That sinners are nice?

    That sinners eat
    And sinners drink
    And sinners read
    And sinners think

    And sinners have
    Sincere desires
    Like remodeling rooms
    With art that inspires

    And compels one to lift
    His goblet of wine
    To toast all we want
    And make want what is mine,

    So all in modern
    Shall acknowledge their versions
    Of propriety,

    And when they die
    They’ll bring goblets, blessed lockets
    But they’ll realize too late – –
    The prelate’s shroud has no pockets!

  5. According to the source who wishes to remain anonymous, “Francis is very thin skinned.”

    “Thin skinned” is a euphemism for proud. Jorge the Humble is in fact, a very proud man. This much is obvious from his daily rants in the Casa Santa Marta.

    And pride is the devil’s sin.

    • “proud” or “egotistical” and hence, hypersensitive and very insecure, since they cannot tolerate opinions that significantly diverge from their own. This causes them to unravel inside, and their inner turbulence is externalised as rage. Our Bergoli Father is a text book example.

    • LOL…..tell me about it. ” Francis the humble” with his spittle flecked rants and arranging for his face and ‘oh so Catholic’ nonsense to be plastered throughout the media. “His Humbleness” shows his teeth on pretty much a daily basis.

      • Okay let me just say–I am no fan of what is going on in the Vatican and what is being wrought by our current Pontiff but I am uncomfortable about the vitriol. I am wary of hurling such blazing epithets at the successor of Peter. We don’t like his policies, we don’t like the results of his disturbing documents but he is a validly ordained priest with hands that can consecrate the Body and Blood of Christ. He has been anointed Pope, head of the Mystical Body. Christ will sort out the man himself. We can call out his errors, pray for him, plead with Christ to restore His Church but be careful of the mockery. Please.

        • Ann, many don’t believe “Francis” is the Pontiff and believe Benedict XVI is still the Pope. Many believe B16’s resignation was invalid since he believes he is still a “type” of Pope involved in a contemplative Petrine ministry. We can only have one “Pope”. Even IF he validity resigned, the pre-planned and agreed to conditions / conspiracy for the election of Francis the Humble would have invalidated his election to the Office. So is it acceptable to mock those who have discarded Christ’s clear teachings and the nearly 2000 years of teachings of Tradition, who hold in contempt those who actually believe in the Truth as taught by the Church? Besides prayer, as a layman, mockery and exposure of the lies is mostly all we have left. I will not stop defending Christ and His Church.

          • I am not saying I disagree with you. And you may very well be right. Believe me the thought has crossed my mind more than once. But I do think we are on shaky ground with the vitriol and mockery. I hate what he’s doing and exposure of the lies is absolutely essential, but aren’t we supposed to love our enemies, do good to those who despitefully use us and be like Our Father in Heaven who sends rain upon the just and the unjust? I’ve had some moments in prayer that I can only describe as a bright light illuminating my conscience over my own hard words about PF. So I just put it out there. No offense intended. Just my own spiritual sense.

    • these men all convict themselves by their own criticisms of true shepherds like Cardinal Burke…they are the hypocrites whose ultimate aphrodisiac is power, they are the uncharitable and unkind ones…I have never heard such words coming from the mouth of Cardinal Burke, he is silent while the calumny against him is going on

      • Yes, Eugene. He has acquitted himself nobly. The grace surrounding him is almost palpable. I said once before that he is our present day Bishop John Fisher who went to his death rather than go along with Henrychurch endorsed by all the other so called Catholic bishops of England. England offers a frightening example in history of what happens to the faith when churchmen lack courage. (sorry to our wonderful English bloggers. I do not indite anyone here but Henry VIII and those churchmen who allowed him to destroy the Catholic Church in England.)

        • You are 100% right with this Ann. They were mostly cowardly and kow-towed to Henry out of fear. Apart from Fisher, there was only one other, whose name I forget, but he, already an old man, died before Henry could have him arrested.

    • He’s a prideful, micromanaging control-freak. I saw this after a few months of watching him — I haven’t been an HR manager for years and can’t recognize the type!

    • Most Humble Successor of Peter Ever. Funny thing is Jesus noted how the pharisees loved to show all their humility.

      • “So, who here knows how the early Church spread the faith?” The teacher stood in front of the room, waiting for someone in the class to answer.

        Little Johnny raised his confident hand.

        “Yes, Johnny?” the teacher asked.

        Lowering his hand and raising his head so that his chin was held defiantly in in the air, little Johnny replied:

        “Mommy and daddy said that the faith of the Church was spread when the Christians stood up to those disgusting, ugly pagans in the middle of the square and told them that they had faces like snakes that they wanted to punch, and that if they could not punch them, they would go out of their way to annoy them on purpose and drive them mad.”

        The teacher smiled, a red apple clutched almost deviously in her hand.

        “Good boy Johnny. Now, you go and do the same.” As she watched a crooked, almost sinister grin spread across his face, she bit into that apple with all the vigor and relish of one with an abundance – an entire tree if you will – of knowledge on her side.

  6. The man’s full surname is Rodríguez Maradiaga; it can only be shortened to Rodríguez, never just Maradiaga.

      • I am Spanish, and calling him just Maradiaga is perfectly correct and absolutely normal. When your first surname is too common you can go by with your second (not for the passport of course and voting and so on).

        Look Rodriguez Zapatero (prime minister in Spain a few years ago)… everybody called him Zapatero. It would sound too bizarre to call him just Rodriguez. Nobody would do that.

        Don’t make a fuss about it. Take it easy: Spanish way of life.

    • I referred to him a “Maradiaga” in a comment on Church Militant T.V. and some peradantic p#%@k took me to task over it. But he misspelt his name as “Rodrigues”. We really don’t need correction for correction’s own sake when everyone knows full well who, or what, we are referring to.

      • Sorry for the typo’s; in my haste, I meant to to say “as” Maradiaga; and there is no such word as “peradantic”. I don’t know how the “ra” crept in. Possible evidence of incipient senility? Maybe from hereon in, I shouldn’t leave the house without supervision.

        • Probably some insane “automatic correct” mechanism in your computer or phone. Happens to me all the time. Have to check everything lest I end up with some very silly and strange comments.

      • Oh dear. A writer who is too busy, too important, or too proud to get it right. Not the first time I’ve noticed this at onepeterfive. If you aren’t even interested in getting the little things right, why should we trust you with the big things? And in fact, I often find cause to be skeptical of what I read there.

        • *sigh* Nearly everyone, even the Vatican, prints his name as Maradiaga. So either you’re wrong or this is how he prefers to be known. Chill out. Here’s proof the Vatican does it to. See the second paragraph:

          (Vatican Radio) As Pope Francis marks the second anniversary of his election, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, President of Caritas Internationalis, looks at one of the main hallmarks of his papacy, his desire “for a poor Church, for the poor.” It was only 3 days after his election on March 13th 2013 that Pope Francis spoke that much-quoted phrase during an audience with journalists and since then the Pope’s words and deeds have helped to reinforce that message in many different ways. Cardinal Mariadiaga, who’s the coordinator of the C-9 group of cardinals tasked with helping the Pope to reform the Roman Curia, spoke to Susy Hodges.
          Listen to the full interview with Cardinal Maradiaga, President of Caritas Internationalis:


          Cardinal Maradiaga [emphasis mine] it was obvious “right from the very beginning” when the newly-elected Pope chose the name of Francis after the great Italian saint from Assisi who renounced his wealth and devoted his life to the poor that reaching out to the poor and marginalized would be a key hallmark of his papacy. Calling it a “great message”, the Honduran Cardinal said Pope Francis is trying “to change attitudes” and fight “the indifference” of so many in today’s society to this moral imperative to help the poor and marginalised.

    • “Thick as two short planks!” Now, there’s a fine Anglo Saxon accolade. If we ever get a universal language (unlike the failed Esperanto), such expressions as this MUST be preserved and treasured as part of the world’s cultural heritage.

  7. The pope is not the magisterium on his own. We only have to obey him when he is in union with the 2000 years of the official teachings of the Catholic Church.

      • Only to the degree is affirms the perennial Magisterium of the Church. Not to go on forever and only simply put, but the Marian dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption flow rationally and reasonably from the nature Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, God Incarnate and Risen from the dead.

    • Well… that’s actually a little backwards. The Pope actually IS the Magisterium, and it’s only when the bishops are in union with him that they are part of the magisterium (see Vatican I). That said, since the magisterium cannot err in matters of faith and morals when those teachings are intended to bind the faithful, we really have one conclusion regarding the current mess: all this nonsense we’re getting is not binding.

      This is, of course, a very cursory analysis of magisterial authority and not intended to be remotely close to comprehensive.

      • Could you explain that a little further? I did not realize the Pope is the Magisterium.

        According to Wiki: “The magisterium of the Catholic Church is the church’s authority or office to establish its own authentic teachings. That authority is vested uniquely in the pope and the bishops, under the premise that they are in communion with the correct and true teachings of the faith.”

        That summarizes how I see it. Do you agree, or am I missing something?

      • That is a misunderstanding that needs to be put to rest. The Magisterium is a two faced coin, perennial and the living. The living exists to preserve and amplify the perennial. Oddly enough Fr. Hunwicke has had several contributions on this in the past few days, with a startling example of Paul Vl misunderstanding of his role. And of course, that illuminating caveat in Pastor Aeternus: “The
        Holy Spirit was not given to the Roman Pontiffs so that they might disclose new
        doctrine, but so that they might guard and set forth the Deposit of Faith
        handed down from the Apostles.”

        • I’m not sure if you were correcting me or the poster above me… but just to clarify, I 100% agree with you here. The Pope, and those bishops in union with him, are the current, living Magisterium and exercise it when they intend to teach from their respective cathedrae.

          • At this moment in history, in this peculiar ecclesiastical environment, I would emphasize that the Holy Father’s authority and that of the bishops exists within the parameters of the perennial Magisterium. So I would rephrase your last sentence as follows: “…are the current, living Magisterium and exercise it when they intend to teach from their respective cathedrae in conformity with the perennial Magisterium of the Church.”
            Presently the “cathedra” is at risk of transformation into a platform for infants with a machine gun. Without this understanding the atrocities which have erupted in the wake of “Amoris Laetitia” – and any number of other notions – have standing. With it in place these erroneous teachings are as vacuous as the individuals spouting them.
            We can never let them forget that they are accountable.

  8. Is the Bergoglian tragedy now becoming a comedy? The is something comic or ridiculous about our “great leaders” in the Vatican. Hopefully, more people will see it that way. Those who try to destroy the Church will destroy themselves–sometimes even becoming laughing-stocks.

  9. I find Hilary White’s comment very appropriate. Of the whole and entire College of Cardinals, there are some much more suited to the role of the Court Jester. Cardinal Mariadiaga, Cardinal Kasper, and a few others all have their performance time. The people of Pennsylvania in the United States are begging Donald Trump to revive the jobs of the Coal Industry which will never return in its present form. But they should be uplifted. There will be plenty of use for their coal in keeping the fires of hell, right toasty. Woe to those Popes, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Monsignors and Priests who lead the faithful away from the Truth as taught to us by the Lord himself during his time with us.. They are each accountable to the Lord and, if found guilty, will each roast in the fires of Hell for all Eternity.

  10. Rabadash the Ridiculous. C. S. Lewis nailed the topic of tyrants being thin-skinned in the fate of his fictional young Calormene, whom Aslan punishes for his treachery by turning into a donkey, for (as the narrator had previously explained), while Rabadash “could have faced torture, he couldn’t bear being made ridiculous. In Tashbaan everyone had always taken him seriously.” Interesting that, to his face, he was instead referred to as “Rabadash the Peacemaker.”

  11. Pope Paul VI: “An excessive desire for
    flexibility and creative spontaneity can in fact give rise to
    ACCUSATIONS OF RIGIDITY directed against that minimum of regularity in
    activities which community life and personal maturity ordinarily
    require. DISORDELY OUTBURSTS, which appeal to fraternal charity or to
    what ONE BELIEVES TO BE INSPIRATIONS OF THE SPIRIT, can also lead to the
    breakup of communities.”

    In point 32 of:

  12. It is comforting to note yet again that the modernists seem incapable of rational dialogue and just hurl personal abuse.

    • Kind of like their secular relatives in the USA right now. they might as well be gnawing the rug. Witness the latest outrage from Kathy Griffin. A spirit of madness is abroad in the land.

  13. I can’t help but ask (rhetorically) where is our allegiance, our loyalty, supposed to be centered — on Christ ot on His alleged “vicar”? And if that vicar and his cronies are antichrist and devoted to the eneny, what then?

  14. I don’t know what got into JPII for electing Jorge as a Cardinal. Was he turning liberal at that time and even though JPII did some good for the Church, he created a lot of scandal by holding several liberal so called, praying with people of other faiths, invited half clad people of other countries to dance for the Papal Audience, Hindu’s, pagans, Muslims praying at Assisi and the ‘kissing of the koran’ was the most blasphemous thing he did in my estimation!

  15. Can’t talk about Maradiaga without mentioning Soros: “we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”

  16. I so dislike this man Maradiaga, as well as Sorondo, who pontificate and feel confident in their socialist stance because they are being backed by their boss PF, who is a Soros puppet.

    An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy – Elizabeth Yore and

    Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga: Pope wants to take “Church renovation” to “irreversible” point:
    Previous reforms were “insufficient, superficial”, Church reform to
    be “deep and total”.


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