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If You Can’t Say Anything Nice…


Please excuse me if this veers too far into stream-of-consciousness. I’m very, very tired.

I left home on July 5th to see to some personal business on the other side of the country, and I just got back last night. My wife and I spent 19 days away from home, drove over 5,000 miles, all with seven kids and a dog. You’ve probably noticed that posting has been lighter than usual. Now you know why.

And while it wasn’t a vacation, it did give me some time to think. Lots of time behind the wheel, a good bit of time engaged in physical labor in the unforgiving summer heat. Long conversations. Unfamiliar views. Evenings watching thunder storms roll through, a glass of good whiskey in hand.


It seems like every time I had a minute to check the news, or my social media accounts, there was more bad news. All my friends are either upset or arguing about things. Politics. Islamic attacks. Corruption. Censorship. Shootings. Civil unrest. And of course, the endless assaults of the agents of FrancisChurch™ on authentic Catholicism.

Many of the days I sat down to write something, I just couldn’t. I don’t know about all of you, but the constant torrent of negativity is…well, I’m not exaggerating when I say it turns my stomach. I feel that it is a duty to combat what is happening wherever and however we can, but sometimes it feels as though all we’re doing is shouting into the storm. Sometimes, when you can’t say anything nice, it really is better not to say anything.

I keep finding myself thinking about the popular MacGuffin in thriller movies: there’s a video, or some kind of data, on a DVD or flash drive, and all that the protagonist needs to do is get it into the hands of the media, to broadcast it to the masses, and the revelations it contains will turn the tide. Everyone is trying to kill them, as they run, jump, slide, drive, swim, and generally engage in 90 minutes of kinetic activity, at last dragging their beaten, bloody body into a TV studio somewhere, where suddenly, triumphant, the denouement is accomplished through dissemination of the vital secret and the villains are unmasked for who they truly are. The heroes have saved the day, proving once again that knowledge is power.

But here we are, day after day, unmasking the villains. We show the true agenda of the pope, the bishops, the Islamists, the heretical theologians, and then…nothing happens.

People — the vast majority of people, though not all — look ignominy in the face and at most, they simply shrug and turn away. Those who are not indifferent attack the messenger, as though the fact that these things are happening are our problem. Some merely shut their eyes as tightly as they can, plug their ears, and say, again and again, “Not happening! Not happening! Not happening!”

Frankly, I am trying to figure out where to go from here. We can’t not report on what’s going on, but there needs to be something else. Something that gives hope. People write to me and say, “I see it, but what do we do next? We’re alone. Nobody cares.”

I don’t know how to answer this question, other than to say, “Keep the faith. Trust that God has a plan.” I believe this. But some days, the tendrils of doubt creep in, and worry tugs at me until I just want to throw up my hands. I feel beaten, like the loser in a thrown game. No matter how many punches I land, it doesn’t affect the outcome.

This is a long war, and there is no rest. There is only fighting. Every day, some new battle. Every day, some new affront or outrage. It’s tiresome. It steals away joy, contentment, and peace.

I want to say that my travels this month have brought answers. Instead, I think, they’ve mostly brought new questions: how should we change our tactics? What can we do that is more effective than what we’re doing now? How do we fight against that sense of oppressive despair that seems always at our heels? 

One thing I did learn on this trip is that more of my energy needs to be focused on the people closest to me. The battle can become all-consuming. It can feel so important that it’s easy to neglect spouse or children. This is a deception.

I also think that it is important to dig deeper, to sound the depths of the well of our Faith, to begin, again, focusing on what is good about Catholicism, instead of what is being done to strip it bare. These things seem to exist in tension; many balk at anything positive, as though it serves only to distract from what is most pressing. But we can only stare so long into the fire. We need to see beyond it, to keep going.

I ask in earnest for your prayers for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Guidance that will help me to lead this publication where it is intended to go in the midst of this unrelenting storm. Exhaustion is no excuse for giving up. We must press on, we must find the strength, we must ask for the grace.

We are all weary. Let us find solace in each other, in the loving embrace of Our Mother, and in Him.

92 thoughts on “If You Can’t Say Anything Nice…”

  1. True true true. Do the next good thing at hand. Trust and be at peace. And tell jokes. St. Athanasius jokes. Anybody got any good ones? “Knock Knock. Who’s there. Athanasius. Athanasius who? At tha nasius pope I ever saw..” Or “What did Athanasius say to Liberius?”

    • I beg your pardon, but there are better things than whiskey. To paraphrase GKC – drink moderately when you’re happy and never drink when you’re sad/depressed.


      • I beg YOUR pardon, but I think you need to lighten up. Steve mentions that he enjoys a glass of good whisky. Fr. Ripperger has mentioned that he enjoys that also (with a good cigar) and, I too, enjoy that occasional indulgence. You’re very quick to criticize my post and suggest intemperance and/or some other sort of drinking problem, thus serving an example as just the type of people Steve writes about in this article. You should take heed of Fr. Ripperger’s lecture on negativity.

  2. I’ve thrown several projects in the trash because of thinking it through and coming to the same conclusion. There is an addictive-corrosive-compulsive tempting aspect to exposing all the lies. It exerts a real gravitational pull on the mind. I find myself not commenting because I don’t want the follow up (iron noted in this reply). But until I have a game plan where where reporting / commenting on what is happening is not the mission, I won’t be starting any of those plans. Can’t do it. The overwhelming inundation of evil, with it’s day by day commonplace rote-ness, is part of the enemy’s plan is it not? So yeah, something has to be a lever higher than “news”. It has to be downstream from a power source, a product of something that is life-giving. Tough nut to crack.

  3. Pray for the conversion of England. I’m convinced that is a big piece of the puzzle. Why? See Belloc’s essay “The Conversion of England.” Also we could pray for the consecration of Russia, and to Our Lady of Good Success (aka OL of Quito) to send The Prelate. This is the hundredth year of Fatima. I believe the moment is auspicious.

  4. Because we are part of the Church Militant, there is a sense in which we should be feeling happy with all this – the battle. If not, it means something is out of whack.

  5. I have spent this month focusing on my family as well, and I have felt much calmer and happier. And I have seen the hand of Providence operating in my life and in the lives of those closest to me. I have to believe that Our Lord, who provides so generously for me, will provide even more generously for His Church . . . in due time. Despair is always of the devil. Hope is always of God. Spera in Deo . . .

  6. I have been thinking the same thing. And I think the answer is to be found in the Acts of the Apostles. I believe we need to go directly to the story of salvation and share that. Like Stephen did. ( Which means I have to learn it. Oh dear.) And rosary novenas, and processions. We must pray and make sacrifices to raise up a priest to lead us in this. This is how the Soviets were expelled in Poland and Austria.

  7. “And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none”
    Psalm 69:20

    “But our God is in heaven: he hath done all things whatsoever he would. ”
    Psalm 115:3

  8. Steve, hang in there. Don’t give in to the temptation to despair. I understand how tough things are and I too need to look to Lord in order to hold onto the gift of Hope. I recommend the Holy Hour every day in contemplative silence. Simply being present to the Lord and allowing Him to make His presence known to you. If possible, Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour, if not in the prayer corner or room in your house. Do Lectio Divina with the Gospel’s, start with St. John’s.

    • Good advice. I think many of the faithful are feeling a sense of despair at what is going on around us, as well as in the Church, and the temptation is to just quit.
      Steve, the battle is the Lord’s and all we can do is be faithful. Let us be encouraged that he is in control.

  9. I find great solace and comfort in daily Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite , daily rosary and other prayers . And I put all my trust in God and ask Him daily that I will do His will in all things at all times. I am very much at peace.

  10. The discussions have vocalised a commonly felt sadness provoked by a realisation that we are living in the time of Tribulation. Every contribution has revealed to each that many are we across the World, who until pages like 1P5, sensed in our isolation, that a chill wind leading to The General Apostasy is blowing through the Church. The great positive is that your WEB along with others of its ilk, has brought us together, we are comforted because now we are no longer ‘in our isolation.’ Now we know many are we in our conclusions; conclussions that are informing us of the times in which we are living,( the law of averages means we can’t all be wrong).

    Your question ‘what next?’ is entirely right because endless discussion of woes will become nothing more than an end itself and in danger of fruitlessness. We are in the final and decisive battle between the Devil and the Virgin, the battle for the family and marriage. Fatima, Akita and Garabandal will have their fulfilment and we are assured of the outcome and right remedies: the Rosary, penance, sacrifices and frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament. ‘What next?’ it’s also a question of how we bear witness so that many who are oblivious begin to ask their questions. One simple action being a letter to our Parish Priest, and the Local Bishop that requests that they clarify their position in regard to each and every issue that is raising grave concerns. The output of which is to be shared with the Parish and the Diocese. We can then discern which intend to remain in Orthodoxy and which intend to pursue the liberal agenda. Thereafter we choose whether or not to fill the pews of the Orthodox and empty the pews of liberal. I am sure you could draft such a letter?

    • After sending out hundreds of letters to priests and bishops on various issues and recieving NO replies, my letter writing days are so over

      • Me, too, Eugene. I know how you feel.
        As far as the bishop is concerned, anyway.
        No more letters to him only prayers to Our Lord and Our Lady for our diocese.
        Our Parish priest, on the other hand, has been receptive to the links I have sent him
        along with like-minded friends within the laity (2 to be exact).
        A word here, a word there, one doesn’t know what grain of Truth will produce fruit in the minds of ones who seem not to hear or understand but do not completely reject that word.
        Our words are wasted on those who refuse to hear and understand,
        but those who are open to the Truth, even though they doubt, is not a waste.
        A seed is buried and hidden and seems to be dead and though we will never see this seed produce fruit, we must trust and continue to sow what Truths we can understand.
        Satan wants us to give up and we must never do that. Perseverance to the end and Trust that God will make that seed grow.
        May God Bless you for the letters you have thus far sent.

    • I agree. I think there’s a strong chance this is the big one. If the Church was a purely human institution, I’d say our decline was terminal. I think we’re beyond the point of renewal. What’s left is for Christ to return for His faithful ones.

      • Yet the Church overcame Arianism. So I agree feeling – wise, but that (Arianism) too could have been the end of Christianity.

        I don’t have the exact quotes, but ideas from Augustine of hypo, Sheen and Catherine of Sienna come to mind in response to feeling complete isolation and the suffocating dearth of Truth. Their advice is never to not shout the truth even if nobody seems to listen. On the contrary. Speaking the truth seems required in these situations.

  11. We only have a little way to go, yet. Hang in there! Heaven is going to be glorious!

    I tell you naught for your comfort,
    Yea, naught for your desire,
    Save that the sky grows darker yet
    And the sea rises higher.

    Night shall be thrice night over you,
    And heaven an iron cope.
    Do you have joy without a cause,
    Yea, faith without a hope?

    -G.K. Chesterton “The Ballad of the White Horse”

    • St John of the Cross, I think, asked God that he be sent away, die alone and be forgotten. We’re getting something like that – I don’t have his strength by a long shot, but I think that I can bear a little hardship.

      Plus, my/our struggle isn’t that important, not least by way of sufficient cause – it’s God who can actually do something.

      We’re supposed to try and also be joyous.

  12. Whenever I am tempted to discouragement, I play with my grandchildren. Life is beautiful despite all the evil around us. The reason he first century Christians could go to their deaths singing is because they looked into the face of Jesus. When I look into the faces of the youngest of my grandchildren, I see the image of God, not in all His glory, but to the greatest degree we can ever see Him this side of heaven. Sing songs, recite nursery rhymes, and read fairy tales with your children and grandchildren. Then praise God for their innocence and wonder. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me.” He was trying to teach us something. Let’s listen!

    • Yes , my grandchildrens’ faces shine with the love of God and fill me with hope and joy when I look into their eyes.

    • I wish the faces of my grandchildren had that effect on me. My son is non practicing and he married an agnostic daughter of a raging alcoholic father and detached mother. He got her pregnant. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my grandchildren with all my heart and homeschooled them for one semester. That was the first they had heard of Jesus and His Church. They ate it up. For a little while. Then the oldest, 8 yo grandson, began to see that Mommy and Daddy were not going to Church, they (the children) were not baptized, nor was His name ever spoken at home. Prayers were not said. No religious pictures or statues or rosaries were around. Whenever I gave them a holy card or religious trinket, it got lost. My grandson began to cry when we had religion class and curl up and hide. It got so bad that my son decided to take the kids home, quit his job and is homeschooling them himself. While it sounds very noble, I am worried about the upcoming school year. There will be no religion because it became too upsetting. And as for other classes, my son will not read to the children and lets them watch Netflix and play video games much of the time. I pray for them constantly, but despair creeps in daily. It is hard for me to see them because of the sadness I feel for them. I want to be able to enjoy being with them and I do to an extent, but it is obvious they are not being raised well, and now they don’t want to hear about Jesus anymore. I think they are so uncomfortable because of the dissonance between our home and theirs. Any suggestions would be welcome.

      • I am in a similar position with my own grandchildren. They have at least through much prayer and sacrifice on H and my part received their First Communion, and one of them was actually confirmed, but parents are now pretty much telling us to take our hands of their religious upbringing, they don’t know if they even want them to stay faithful to the Catholic Church, because they themselves are confused as to what they believe. We used to see to it that they got to Mass, Confession and Religious Education classes, but have been stopped in our tracks. My HOPE and PRAYER is, that even the small amount of exposure they’ve received will some day bring them to the truth of Christ in His Church. Planting the seed, even the very SMALLEST, can be the catalyst for God’s tremendous, miraculous GRACE. I am trying with all my might to TRUST Jesus to take over. I as you pray EVERY DAY for all of them. St. Monica is my go to daily. Yes, Karen, it is a heartbreak that not just a few of us suffer. I offer daily the tears and heartache to the passion of Our Lord. It is no wonder that Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden is the mystery always in my heart. It’s a suffering that only a parent or grandparent can know, but I am convinced that Our Lord through Our Blessed Mother are indeed honoring our prayers and suffering for their benefit. As their parents have set down rules, my H and I have as well. When they are in our house for an overnight on a weekend, they GO TO MASS WITH US. END OF DISCUSSION! That’s OUR rule. We pray with them at bedtime as well. Saturday is CONFESSION. It’s all we can do at this point, but H and I are totally uncompromising, and everyone understands the stipulations we have set down. We have no choice but to go along with the way they raise their children, BUT…….they have no choice when they are with us. There is no question that we are fighting Satan head to head in this realm, and as a consequence, we don’t see them as often as we used to. Many good and faithful Catholic parents are doing the same. The war of principalities and powers is painfully out in the open. Satan is now ‘in your face’ both in the Church and inside of families.

        Love and Blessings to you! Pray the Rosary for them!

        • Mary Ann Kreitzer and standtall909,

          Thank you, both of you for your kind words and helpful suggestions. Actually, the only time we are called is if they need something from us, which is babysitting and ALWAYS overnight on a Saturday so they can stay out and drink and not have to come get the kids. We attend a traditional Mass and we tell them to be sure the kids have the proper clothes for Mass on Sunday, but it never fails that we get a bag of rumpled and missing items packed by the 5 yo. They even task her with packing her brother’s clothes. Last time she came with a wrinkled dress, a red sock and a blue sock, a pair of white shoes 2 sizes too small and no clean underwear for either of them. It really makes me crazy. Usually, they are not even clean when they come over. When we say anything to our son, he leaves the house in a huff. Until he needs us to babysit again. My husband agrees that the best thing we can do is bring them to Mass (their parents don’t care if they go, in fact it’s fine because it gives them more time to sleep in and sleep it off), so we will continue to do so and I think I will begin having them over more often for overnights during the week. As you say, standtall909, our house, our rules. The more I can get into them, the better. I’ll use bedtime storytime as our little catechism and prayer time. They LOVE to snuggle in bed with me. And confession!!! I never even thought of that. Can an unbaptized child go to confession? Not that he is ready yet, but it is something to aim for if it is allowed. Does anyone know? I can at least teach them how to go to confession and what to say and the form of it all. Their one semester of catechism was fully packed, so they know about sin and the 10 commandments, etc. I do take them up to Holy Communion with me and the priest touches their little heads and blesses them. So they are getting familiar with that too. Mary Ann, thank you for including me in your Rosary prayers and be assured that I will be praying for both of you when I say my daily Rosary too.

          • Karen, please see my comment below.

            How wonderful that you can take them to Mass! Mismatched socks and all 🙂 You have been given a wonderful opportunity. Don’t worry too much at the little stuff 😉

            Some ideas. You could cook a cake or such for special feast days if they coincide with when they come around. Set the table in a special way. Perhaps a pretty blue cloth under a statue of Our Lady. Pick some flowers and put them in a vase. Craft for feast days can be good too. And don’t forget to buy lots of good Catholic picture books for them to read when over. Here are some links for idea’s :
            google ‘Catholic craft’

            God bless!

          • Sharyn, your comment, above, is enough to boost me with hope! Thank you!!! I’ll never give up on them; I love them too much.

          • Karen, unfortunately, I don’t think you can take them to confession without being baptized, and they don’t seem to be old enough anyway, yet. But….yes, if they are receptive, you can teach them about the sacrament of reconciliation. We taught ours and it helped tremendously at the time that they were in formal religious education. (ours are a little older by now) Keep doing what you’re already doing, and pray and sacrifice for them. Our precious Lord and Our Lady have more tender hearts that we can even imagine, especially for mothers and grandmothers pleading for their kids. Ask St. Monica to help as well……she cried bitter tears for Augustine for over 30 years praying for him and look what happened! 🙂 We may not see the fruits of our prayers here on earth, but believe me, God wants their salvation more than we do. He will honor our prayers, heartaches offered up, and sacrifices. It sometimes looks very bleak to us, but we of course, don’t see what He does! God Bless you Karen! And thanks Mary Ann for your prayers as well. Prayers for all.

        • ‘Planting the seed, even the very SMALLEST, can be the catalyst for God’s tremendous, miraculous GRACE.’

          My grandparents did this for me. I was baptised Catholic as a baby, but that was it. I must have gone with them to Mass only a handful of times if that, and we lived far from them so I didn’t see them too much. But what little I saw and experienced was enough to be a part of my conversion as an adult. My grandmother never got to see this conversion. How thankful I am for her example and prayers. For her planting seeds. I could never be thankful enough! Thank you God for the grace of my conversion!!

          Be holy! Hope and pray, never give up!

          God bless you!

          • You could also have clean, special clothes for them to wear at Mass that are kept for them at your house. You could even go shopping with them to buy them, explaining how important it is to dress beautifully to honor the Lord.

      • I am so sorry for what you are going through, Karen. I hope you will see your grandchildren as often as you possibly can. Grace builds on nature. If talking about Jesus makes them upset just hug and love them and read to them. There are some wonderful stories for children by Caryll Houselander that are moral tales. Many aren’t specific about religion. Take nature walks and show them bugs and plants and let them see God in the wonders all around them. If you have them at night go out and look at the stars and tell them that many people call the moon Our Lady’s lamp and the stars remind us of the twelve stars in her crown.

        Also, if you can, this is what we did when one of our children stopped going to Mass. My husband and I decided to start going on Sunday once for ourselves and once for her. It was only two months later that she returned to Mass. Take heart from the proverb that says if you raise a child in the way he should go, when he is old he won’t depart from it. Just have fun with your grandchildren and love them a lot. God is love, so when you do that you are showing them the face of God even if they don’t know it. I’m putting your name in my rosary journal so whenever I pray the rosary your intentions will be included.

      • Keep giving them the religious cards etc. They are only small. They will loose them. They can have more effect than you think. My grandma gave me a glow in the dark statue of Our Lady when I was, 10? I don’t think I had it too long. Disappeared somewhere… But when I converted as an adult, I saw another little statue exactly the same in a shop one day, and had to buy it. I had to have it again. The one just like my grandma gave me.

        Try not to worry too much about the catechism classes/books. Some, maybe many children learn better from a living catechism as it were. Live the faith. Talk about stuff as you do it. ‘Grandma’s going to pray now. I love speaking with Jesus and Mary’ etc. make it natural. Living the Gospel is the best example. Children do benefit from simple explanations though. Especially if this is their only exposure to the faith. Picture books do wonders. Read lots of picture books. The kind that even you don’t mind reading again. And don’t forget to leave the catechism around. They might read it of their own accord. Actually what catechism are you using? Do you have this one: or this Do you have this picture bible:

        They will be uncomfortable between the examples they are given as you say. I would say not to criticise anything, it makes the discomfort and confusion for them more. Just keep giving the good example. That speaks volumes and very often in the better way, the way that attracts.

        And, they have you as a Grandma! Praise the Lord! How blessed they are!

  13. Hi Mr. Skojec,

    I hit this same spot a while ago.

    Best advice I can give is to keep up your spiritual life and fight the battles on your front door step (daily duty) first.


  14. Father RP said it all. Before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is where we find peace, inspiration and joy. One hour DAILY after morning Mass will make all the difference! You are in my prayers.

  15. I recently have become overwhelmed by the constant negativity and arguing, even. Among family members. Heck, I have family members who are no longer talking to me because I “came out of the closet ” in support of the Trump candidacy. Imagine that. It has made me take stock of all of it and I realized that I need not get swept up and away by the mania. I need to keep my eye on Jesus alone and to focus more on those around me, in my immediate family and community for that is where He has placed me. I can pray for the rest and trust in Him. Everything else is fleeting. Yes, you have a very specific and important public role. Much has been given and so much is expected. Pray, enjoy your family, do what you do as well as you can, knowing that He is right there and willl not let you perish.

  16. I always remember a comment posted in Hilary White’s website re: what to do next….”pray, fast, pray”…all of which I have done very badly…I suggested all true Catholic bloggers, like Steve, and we the followers go completely silent for 40 days (in imitation of Jesus’ desert fasting and praying) and do just that..PRAY, FAST, PRAY…any takers?

    • My family’s livelihood does not depend on my pen so it would be easier for me than some, but count me in. I will try to check back in forty days.

      • hi Robert…checking back…prayed more…totally failed on the fasting, did not post anything for 40 days anywhere…but things seem to be worst…back to the drawing board with God’s mercy and grace!

        • Congratulations Eugene. You at least fasted from posting and you succeeded, which is an almost superhuman feat in our wired world. I am back to the drawing board with you, Brother. You are an inspiration and you are right: all the good things in my life have not come from my own will but through God’s mercy and grace. May the Lord keep and bless you.

          • thank you Robert! Your kind words for me are undeserved as I struggle everyday to be a disciplined disciple and usually fail..God bless guide and keep you and your loved ones!

  17. As others have said Steve, hang in there. Time with family and physical labor is a great way to focus the mind. Yes, we are weary, but as Fr. Neuhaus said, we shall never rest. Keep up the good work. And keep the whisky handy.

  18. Scooping & sculpting out retreats to rest one’s soul & mind (and, in this saturated digital age of the idolization of the image, one’s eyes) is not a distraction. No more than Elijah fleeing from Jezebel, hiding under the broom tress on the backside of Beersheba; his scooped out place – sculpt, in part, by exhaustion and a bit of fear – but where the Lord met him and refreshed him with a loaf of bread , hot off the coals, and a jug of water.

  19. HOPE!!

    A beautiful pictures of some of the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X and faithful at this years priestly Ordinations in Germany.
    God bless and multiply the SSPX!

  20. “No matter how many punches I land, it doesn’t effect the outcome.”

    What we do in this battle, we do simply for the love of our Lord, as He asks. The outcomes are not what must drive us, but simply the great love for our Lord, and His Church. That is the peace of Christ we can obtain, if we keep this in mind, during these difficult times.

    Our Lord is the only one who will effect the outcome.

    From where I stand, I see great things ahead for our Church! I see more and more Catholic priests and bishops speaking Truth, drawing a line in the sand with evil, and having great courage. I read and hear of Catholic laity fighting for the Church they love, because they love Christ. Your website, as well as others has helped us, the laity, to be stronger in our faith, and hence to do what is right and follow Christ.

    It will be alright. This Church cannot be stripped away of her goodness and beauty.
    Impossible, though many have tried and I think perhaps many are kicking it up notch.
    Our Lord is with us Steve. Keep His Mother close to your heart.

    We shall stay united and never tire, for we our God’s children and He is with us always.

    May God bless you and your family. You are in my prayers.

  21. In the years leading up to World War II, Winston Churchill was a pretty negative guy. Apart from some gardening, painting and writing, most of what he did was to hopelessly, helplessly try to warn people who mocked him as an old has-been that Hitler was going to try to conquer the world. But a few people did listen, and his home became a center of underground international resistance and organization, some very unlawful spying, and massive information gathering. By the time the war broke, they were ready, and his negativity helped save England and the world.

    I have been reading all the negative things people have been writing about the Church for a few years now. At times it has been very depressing. On the other hand, I pray a lot more seriously for the Church, and after passing on what I hear, other people do too. And if, may God forbid it, we are driven into schism, they will not be confused and ignorant sheep. Some of them are making preparations of various kinds, some studying the faith more deeply so they will be able to pass it on, some collecting classic old Catholic books that otherwise might wind up in a dumpster, or become unavailable.

    Some people may choose to enjoy being miserable. I do, occasionally. And some may act.

  22. Scripture tells us THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S. The Lord inhabits the Praises of His People. Jesus is seated on the throne. Jesus is the Victor. It is finished. Evil will not have the final or last word. Whatever we ask for according to His will, we receive. Ask and we shall receive. None of this has taken Jesus by surprise. He is with us until the end of the age. Our place. Pray. Receive our ‘marching orders’ from the Holy Spirit. Praise. Pray. Love. Trust. God has won. God wins. It is not easy.

  23. You’re right. I’m not going to stop speaking the truth but I won’t be so rude to the Jews. I feel bad. Keep praying, it’s more effective anyway.

  24. Steve – you do more good than you think. And you are doing it very well. It still seems natural to me that the depraved need us, at the very least, to mock their evil. But I think that you are already going further and on a higher road.

    When theur betas attack you, be assured that you have succeeded in getting a little bit of attention from their masters. There’s no question that they see what you are doing. They can still pretend that you are not there – but shining even a little bit of light onto what they do might remind them that much more will come one day – that is true charity all around: to them – and to us.

  25. Steve–some times it is better to just take a dive–for a while. ‘Let go, let God’ as is said in AA. If God wants something done about this situation He is going to have to help. When we want to get rid of some bad habit it’s God who gets rid of it for us with our cooperation. Right now you are doing all you can. The next move is up to God. God, help us to do your will and fight the devil in all his disguises!

  26. Dear Steve – You need a rest! Like Elijah – you are all burnt out and should rest. Not a break but a good, long rest. After which you will feel refreshed. Only a suggestion. Christian love and prayers – Tamaveirene x

  27. This article reminds me of King Alfred and his battle for Wessix. Almost identical to the point of the battle when they lost a good man to evil. It was all because they forgot our God is a good God. Peace be to you.

  28. How should we change “our”tactics? What can we “do”? We can change our tactics by making a Total Consecration according to the Kolbean formula, and by recognizing that we need to become unlimited instruments in Her hands. Cardinal Sarah reminds us it is God or Nothing. Once we realize that, apart from Him, we are useless, it is time to recognize as well that, in Christ, all things are possible. To conform our,wills ever more perfectly at every moment with the perfect will of God (which means becoming not only like Mary Immaculate but even, as Father Maximilian puts it, becoming Her) is something that no one can prevent us from doing–no secular authority, no repressive pope. This conformity is not only the only thing we can do; thankfully, it is also the only thing we need to do. For in the end it is not our tactics or activities that will make a bit of difference anyway, but only Hers. The battle is between the Woman and the Dragon. It is time to choose sides.

  29. AMEN Steve!!!! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!! It is particularly difficult to fight the war when we see no victories, even small. I pray that God will give us all the grace of HOPE, and TRUST, and LOVE, and as important COURAGE! I pray for you and all the faithful warriors that are doing such a phenomenal job in fighting this war, and uncovering the enemy of Christ in His Church. May God give you (and all of us) the strength and the courage and the perseverance that we all need. May our Blessed Mother keep us all under her Mantle. AMEN! Pray the Rosary, which Padre Pio says is our WEAPON!

  30. In the light of the recent satanically inspired slaughters of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge; the hundreds killed or wounded by a Militant Muslim Jihadist terrorist in Nice; the failed coup against the increasingly Islamist regime in Turkey; and the ongoing Militant Muslim Jihadist attacks; we should remember that Jesus has told us, “Let not your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1). “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

    Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (see 1 John 3:8), so we should not be fixated on the media reports of these evils. They should inspire our hearts to open in prayer and fasting for the victims and their families and not lead us to craven fear for our own safety. Jesus told us, “Fear is useless; what is needed is trust.”( Luke 8:50).

    We should not fear the works of the devil or chastisements that God may allow, but pray for their aversion or mitigation and the grace to endure them. We should embrace the devotion to Jesus King of All Nations ( and focus our hope on the promise of Our Lady of Fatima for The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a New Era of Peace.

    “There is hope for your future, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:17). Hope is the confident expectation of divine blessings. So, let us be hopeful!

    Click here to pray the Litany for the Healing of Our Land.

    “Let us move forward steadfastly together into the storm…keep calm and carry on!” (Winston Churchill).
    In Jesus,
    Dan Lynch

  31. I’ve had had the same action hero running to reveal the truth image in my head.
    Ive known what a lie the revolt of the masses in the wake of revelation is for some time.
    But still, people try to kill the messenger and obscure the truth. This tells me that its not fear that drives the culprits to obscure the truth of their deeds and motives, but conscience. Keep tapping away at falsehoods, keep bringing truth to light. Even if it wakes up only the few and the isolated, it will wear down those who fight the traditions of the church. Grace will have to do the rest,if they’ll let it.

  32. ~ Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you. All things pass away; God never changes. One who has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. St. Teresa of Avila

  33. Mr. Skojec, you are in my prayers. I am thankful for the internet because I came upon sites like yours which let me know that the dismay I feel especially with the current pontificate and the state of our church is shared by others. I am not alone. Thank you for this site.

    I tend to be ‘over responsible’ thinking everything depends on me. I wonder if you have the same tendency. It is easy to get despondent. I read somewhere that even St. JPIl realized we as a church and a world are heading for a big fall. I understand that he encouraged his flock to say the rosary and have a devotion to Our Lady which could soften but not prevent the calamity. Doing our daily duties according to our in life is important too. That is all we can do and offer all to Jesus.

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers and continue with my monthly donation little that it is in appreciation for your work for the Faith.

  34. Steve, don’t lose sight of the fact that you are doing what you do, in the end, to please God. Don’t be discouraged when you don’t see the results. Our Lord is very pleased WHEN WE TRY OUR VERY BEST! And as an appreciative daily reader of your blog, I believe you are doing that. I don’t think it matters to HIM whether you reach your criteria of success—His is that you try your best.
    Moreover, you can not know what effect any of your posts might have in the recesses of human hearts or what actions or prayers they might inspire, directly or indirectly.
    Our FSSP pastor recently gave us a brilliant sermon on Hope. Ponder that great virtue; meditate on it.
    You’ll be fine.
    And God bless you for being a leader in this most valiant fight.

  35. Symbolic action requires that evil or error be challenged. If it’s not possible to challenge the source directly then the truth must be re-stated to the next nearest person to you (or published publicly). If alone then refute the error out loud. It’s not about getting results, it’s about #KeepingTheFaith. God bless you Steve.

  36. I think we are many of us in the same place. Life today is exhausting, and I admit I am trying to wean myself away from the computer a bit, and it makes me uncomfortable to admit this is actually very difficult. Many of us are suffering significant anxiety about many things today, and it’s not as if personal issues have paused while our church fell apart before our eyes. It has been a period of adjustment, but I have to say, life does go on even if your pope is lousy and the cardinals nothing but effeminate poster boys. My husband and I now attend the Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, and for us that has been a game changer. It is a Low Mass, stripped down and pure, and we love it. In a crazy world gone mad, it is solace and comfort, one of the few really bright spots.
    Your seven little buddies and one partner need you, and they should get your best most days. Stepping back and taking stock is good. We probably all need to turn off the computer and go for more walks, read more uplifting material, and laugh more, certainly pray more and study the wealth of authentically Catholic teaching we have available. We’ve got serious problems, but we are also seriously limited in how much we can do. Letters to bishops or cardinals is not going to turn the tide and save our church. These guys are unfortunately, in the power seat until God says their time is up. We can learn, crab, lament and moan, there can be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but ultimately, this is just our current reality. Still, our children deserve happy childhoods, as much as we can make that possible for them, even while the world seems to fall apart. That is our first responsibility and we can’t do that if we are up to our eyeballs every minute in the madness. Consider new posts only on Tuesdays and Saturdays, that way readers will adjust to your schedule and only check back then.

  37. I can’t respond to you all individually, but I want to thank you for your kindness, concern, encouragement, and prayers.

    I have begun working on some ideas of how to change some things in my life that will help me to avoid the pitfalls of what we do here. If they’re effective, hopefully you’ll notice a difference soon.

  38. We can only rely on God’s Strength, and the best way to obtain that is to consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, pray the daily family rosary, do at least weekly adoration, and more than once a week Mass if possible. Things should improve by the time of the 100th anniversary of Fatima which is also the 500th anniversary of Luther (Rev 9 – the falling star is him and the 5 months are 5 centuries). Then there will be much conversion and the period of peace described at Fatima will occur. I pray for your strength and perseverance (and for everyone here too).

  39. God has always saved the Church out of times of trouble through her Saints. If not us, then who? If we are not striving for personal holiness and interior conversion, we are not going to be instruments of the rescue. Each moment, each day, let us seek holiness first of all, and with our all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; let us be the saints the Church needs now.

  40. Steve – I do admire your fidelity, your courage and your determination to speak loudly the truth in season and out of season. I do know the temptation to despondency and despair in trying to get the message to those around us. So often I have hit my head against the wall trying to show others around me (particularly family) the manifest danger Francis and his minions represent. I can’t help but think of the words of Fr Malachi Martin who said in the 90s that millions of Catholics are being led into apostasy and don’t know it. It’s as though there has been a facade plastered upon the Church shopfront that stops most of the faithful from drinking from the font of Grace. It really come done to that one vital component: Grace, and in particular Sanctifying Grace. We though no merit of our own have been given Grace to see the deception where many others have not. Who can say why? One thing is for certain – we are duty bound to be faithful to that grace and persevere and cooperate with it.

    You have also touched upon the solution – devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Fr Martin spoke at length of the parallel between the Passion of Christ and the Passion of the Church. At the foot of the Cross it would appear to the outsider a scene of utter failure and defeat, a scene grotesque to the senses. Can we not say the same of the Church? The lies, the impurity, the treason – its all there. We have a Peter who is hidden, a Judas and the mob screaming for the blood of the Christ. We also have the followers of Jesus who are scattered and trying to follow at a distance.

    In all this the Mother of God kept vigil in spite of the signs pointing towards despair. With the grace from her hands, we must do the same.

  41. Just saw this, have been recuperating from surgery and largely off the internet. You and your family are in my prayers. Fr. RP’s advice below seems very sound to me.

  42. I think a hint lies in your use of the word “tactics.” Jesus didn’t have any tactics. He was God, and people didn’t listen. He performed miracles, and people didn’t care.
    You’re not God, and you can’t do miracles, so do you expect better than He got? But you can do one thing He did. He spoke the Truth over and over again. When you’re at your best, you are speaking Christ’s Truth. Just keep doing that. And ask the Church’s newest martyr, Fr. Jacques Hamel, to pray for you. He will.

  43. I think the best part of the story is you and your family together workin out life. In my parish I go to mexican mass because there is life there (kids). I told my bishop when I listen to orthodox preachers or speakers I hear noisy kids in the background, the sounds of life and it’s encouraging. Thanks Steve for hangin in there and for being faithful with large family. Thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary that He gave you a good wife and a bunch of noisy kids.

  44. If I understand correctly, Maximilian Kolbe saw much the same things much the same way when he started issuing hi paper… not that I’m drawing any parallels here or compare you to him… 😉 Or am I?
    Anyway – just signed up for recurring donation to your website. Does that help? 🙂
    And for encore: 1P5 is your talent Lord gave you. And you used it splendidly. You already did your part, now all is just added bonus. Keep up good work.

    Or in other words: shut up and soldier.


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