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Bishop Schneider Returns to the US in October

Over the past two years, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, has gained quite a following for his clear, orthodox teaching and his love for reverent, God-centered liturgy. Next month, he will return to the eastern United States for a series of Masses and events. The good people at The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma have asked me to share his itinerary with all of you in the event that you might be able to attend some of these events:

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Events in the Northeast USA – October 2016

All Masses are Traditional Latin Masses unless otherwise indicated.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 6:00 PM
Pontifical Low Mass, Dinner & Conference, St. Titus Church
Aliquippa, PA

Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 2:00 PM*
Lecture, St. Vincent de Paul Church
Berkeley Springs, WV

Thursday, 20 October 2016, 6:00 PM
Lecture, Cosmos Club
Washington, DC

Friday, 21 October 2016, 7:00 PM (Feast Day of Blessed Karl of Austria)
Solemn Pontifical Mass & Reception, St. Mary Mother of God Church
Washington, DC

Saturday, 22 October 2016, 8:30 AM
Pontifical Low Mass & Morning of Recollection, St. Thomas Apostle Church
Washington, DC

Sunday, 23 October 2016, 10:30 AM
Solemn Pontifical Mass & Conference, Mater Ecclesiae Church
Berlin, NJ

Monday, 24 October 2016, 6:00 PM
Solemn Pontifical Mass, Church of the Holy Innocents
Manhattan, NY

Tuesday, 25 October 2016, 6:00 PM
Pontifical Low Mass & Conference, Church of the Holy Innocents
Manhattan, NY

Thursday, 27 October 2016, 10:00 AM
Solemn Pontifical Mass, St. Peter Church
Steubenville, OH (Evening lecture.)

These Masses and conferences are coordinated by the Emperor Karl League of Prayer with the support and cooperation of the following Traditional Knights of Columbus councils and organizations:

Regina Coeli Council 423, Manhattan, NY
Potomac Council 433, Washington, DC
Woodlawn Council 2161, Aliquippa, PA
Agnus Dei Council 12361, Manhattan, NY
Mater Ecclesiae Council 12833, Berlin, NJ
The Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP)
PLMC, Inc.
Una Voce Steubenville

*Time has been updated. Originally reported as 1PM.

18 thoughts on “Bishop Schneider Returns to the US in October”

    • I do as well. If I may ask, how did you come upon your knowledge of Blessed Karl?
      Mine has been recently, as I saw a moving short video on Blessed Zita on another Catholic website. I was so taken, that I did research on Blessed Zita and her dear husband Blessed Karl. In fact, I just finished watching a video regarding Fatima and Blessed Karl connection.

      God bless and so glad you are able to make the Mass with your family.

      Truly, a great and humble servant of God and the Church, was this man.

      • I also have a devotion to Blessed Karl, which started several years ago, when I got to read about his life. I didn’t know there was a connection between Bl. Karl and Fatima, thanks for mentioning that.

      • For me, I became a monarchist about 10 years ago, and I started reading about Catholic monarchs. I found His Royal and Imperial Highness and incredibly sympathetic figure, as a man trying to live a truly holy life and serve the Church the best he knew how. I’ve since read quite a bit about the Hapsburg clan.

        If Archduke Karl, his grandson and heir, ever decided he wanted to take back his empire, I’d join his cause, rifle in hand.

        • Democracy will be outlawed in the era of peace. Wise choice in being a monarchist. A true Catholic Monarch is better than anything else by far.

          • The concept of outlawing democracy seems silly. If an old-style altar-and-throne monarchy and nobility were set in place, democracy will have no room to exist.

            Better would be returning to teaching within the Church about its understanding of the nature of authority. Then people would start to see that Communism, Democracy, Fascism, National Socialism, etc. stem from the same error: failure to recognize that all authority comes from God. Communism and democracy in particular share one particular error: that the right to rule comes from a mandate from the masses. That is false. It also come from a whiggish conflation of power, authority, and legitimacy — all are separate concepts.

        • I have a hard time with the Hapsburgs. My heritage is Polish. King John Sobieski and his Winged Hussars saved Vienna from the Ottomans. 111 years later, Maria Teresa helped wipe Poland off the map with Catherine the Not So Great and the Prussians. Poland will not again be carved up by anyone, not by Germans, Russians or Austrians.
          Doubt if Poland wants a monarch back, either.

          • Some of the Hapsburgs did bad things. Some of every group has done bad things. Many of the Hapsburg kings were truly great and saintly men. What president or prime minister of a secular state has attained sainthood? Or even beatification?

            And part of being a monarchist means not caring what the polis thinks. Most Americans think abortion should be legal, a secular state is a good thing, and greed is good. They’re wrong on all these and many counts.

          • I don’t care what the polls say either. I happen not to agree with you about monarchy. Poland just elected a government that has completely outlawed abortion, slammed the door on gay marriage and stood up to the EU and refuses Muslim immigration.
            You may admire the Hapsburgs. Fact is that they conspired with the Prussian monarch and the Russian monarchy to wipe Poland off the map and treat its citizens as second class people, or as the Kaiser said, the Poles were dogs who should just die. Great treatment for the Catholic nation that fought against Mongols, Lutheran Swedes, Muslims, and after WWI, against the Communists and Nazis.

  1. In the run-up to Lund. I hope he can tell us what to do in the aftermath & that Plan B is ready to be implemented swiftly to prevent schism. Somehow, though, I feel trust is quickly ebbing away from the notion that we can look to our Bishops & Cardinals for quality leadership in these dire time.

    • Keep praying, offer sacrifice for the reparations of mankind and fulfill your duty on earth, and forgive those who seem to be too weak, tired, or scared to provide the leadership that we are desperate for. They have lost their zeal, their perseverance!

      It seems our bishops have simply not prayed enough throughout their lifetime and have gotten taken in by the world, by its lure, and have basked in popularity. Some are just purely rebellious, but I think many have lost trust in the Holy Spirit.
      They forget to do what is Right and Just by God, and worry too much about the consequences. Just my opinion, mind you, but I have felt this way for some time from all I have seen and read.

      God will bring the faithful what we need to protect His Church. So much evil exists and how displeasing this must be to our Lord to see the fruits of his fallen prelates.
      Perhaps the faithful can somehow through sacrifice, Adoration, prayer and petition, and great charity, encourage our Lord to give His clergy and faithful, His graces at this time to serve Him, His Church and many souls. His grace IS His mercy.

    • The only “Airport Bishop” I know of was permissive of heresy and moral depravity. He was always too busy playing golf with the Knights of Malta to have much to do with anyone who didn’t make six figures. Ironically, he was one of the ones who would go on and on about “the poor.” The more orthodox, traditional bishops were the ones who spent themselves to bring their people closer to Christ.

  2. Bishop Schneider will also say a Low Mass in Charles Town, WV, Thursday October 20 at 11:15 AM, at the Priory of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem. 219 -301 South George Street. [Its the former little St James parish church building if you haven’t been there before.]


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