Bishop Schneider: “We Have Already Had an Infallible Response to the Errors of Martin Luther”

Claire Chretien of LifeSiteNews has posted a new video today of the Q&A with Bishop Athanasius Schneider at the Cosmos Club in Washington DC after his October 20, 2016 talk. In it, he was asked about Pope Francis’ statement that Martin Luther “did not err” on justification.

He responded, in part:

We have already had an infallible response to the errors of Martin Luther: the Council of Trent. The teaching of the Council of Trent about the errors of Luther, I repeat, are infallible, ex cathedra. And the comments of the pope in the plane are not ex cathedra.

Those particular comments begin at 1:43 in the video, but the entire Q&A is worth your time:

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