Archive for

T. S. Flanders

Lefebvre Was Right? The “Disobedient” Ordination of Alcuin Reid

Above: Dom Alcuin Reid pictured with Cardinal Burke in 2014 (New Liturgical Movement). This photo is not meant to imply anything other than that fact.  Dom Alcuin Reid has been for years a respected liturgical scholar in the Church (Cardinal Ratzinger wrote the forward to his seminal work published by Ignatius Press). He is the founding Prior…

ANNOUNCEMENT: Another Englishman Joins the Editorial Board of OnePeterFive

Since the publication of our new editorial stance last year, we have attempted to contextualize the modern movement of Traditionalism within the Catholic Counter-Revolutionary movement of 19th century Europe. In one sense “Trads” of today are simply ordinary Catholics as they lived the faith in the “modern period” since 1773.[1] The Catholic counter-revolutionaries in Europe,…

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