Archive for

Oakes Spalding

Chicago Priest Who Burned Gay Flag Flees after Archdiocese Threatened With Forcible Removal

Just hours ago, new Chicago auxiliary bishop Mark Bartosic arrived unannounced at Resurrection Parish on Chicago’s Northwest Side and told pastor Paul Kalchik that he had just minutes to get his belongings together and vacate the premises, or the police would be called to arrest him for trespassing. Fr. Kalchik was about to perform a…

Dr. Lamont: It is More Likely Than Not That Francis is a Formal Heretic

(Image Credit: Lena Klimkeit Picture Alliance/DPA) All sorts of rumors are now swirling about current events in the Church: Cardinal Burke has been cancelling engagements. Why? Cardinal Muller has resigned from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Was he forced or was it voluntary? A formal correction of the Pope has already been…

Pope’s “Mouthpiece” Spadaro Used Fake Sock-Puppet Account to Attack Four Cardinals

Almost two weeks ago I reported on the bizarre social media behavior of Antonio Spadaro, the Pope’s “mouthpiece” and editor of the influential Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica. He had used Twitter in various ways to attack the “four cardinals” who had submitted the “dubia” to Pope Francis. This included using screenshots of the movie trilogy Lord…

Cardinal: Muslims Believe They Will Conquer Europe Through Faith and Babies

Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi is the Patriarch of Antioch. So he is an Eastern Rite Catholic, not a Roman Catholic. But that still makes him a “full” Cardinal of the Catholic Church in all the relevant ways. Indeed, Bechara Boutros al-Rahi is one of the only 119 Cardinals under the age of 80 who could vote for…

Hume: Video Shows “Essentially Brutal Nature of Abortion”

Say what you like about Fox News–and I should confess that opinions among my Catholic friends are mixed at best–they have a much greater proportion of Christians among their broadcasters and journalists than any other major network. Among other things, this in part leads them to do things no other network would. Here is Brit Hume,…

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