Archive for

Hilary Collins

Novus Ordo Catholics Support Latin Mass in Arlington Diocese

The Sunday following Traditionis Custodes, the Novus Ordo readings pronounced “Woe to the shepherds” whose actions “mislead and scatter the flock of My pasture, says the Lord.” Yet unlike shepherds who “have not cared,” the Lord is our perfect “Shepherd.” He “refreshes” the “soul.” His “rod” and “staff” will “give me courage.” Only through the…

Remembering the Molly Maguires: Sacrifice, Duty, and Faithful Fortitude

Do you worry about today or what the future holds?  Opening the newspaper or reading the latest tweet certainly provides enough kindling for worry to become a roaring fire.  If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Recently, I’ve been thinking about fears Americans and other nationalities confronted in the past.  Pondering history is not…

Remembering D-Day

They protected our freedoms; now it is our turn. Yesterday, June 6, 2021, marked 77 years since the D-Day Invasion at Normandy. As memories of that fateful day dim, we must take steps to remember. We have a duty to honor the men who fought bravely, and we must learn from their resolve. D-Day’s hard-fought…

Trusting God in the Midst of Unfairness and Injustice

Each day brings further stories of injustice, especially for those pursuing Godly faithfulness and truth.  It feels we are bombarded with gut-wrenching examples that defy normality, commonsense, and sanity, especially for a country that uses “In God We Trust” as its motto — though certainly, the citizens of other nations are feeling this as well.  So…

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